(Most Definitely NON-LSU) Why So Many Threads on Alabama Football Coach?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TejasTiger, Jun 18, 2007.

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  1. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    You made me curious and it seems the Florida board is much more preoccupied with other coaches...There were actually two on Fulmer. :eek:

    >Jim Tressel<
    >Tommy Tubberville<
    >Phil Fulmer<
    >All SEC Coaches<
  2. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    I don't know. USC had a coach in the late 90's (he's hated cause he was bad not cause he went somewhere else) and to this day whether it's on the SC forum I post on or at a tailgate/social gathering, it's an unspoken rule that you can't use his name. He's actually referred to as "the coach that shall go unnamed". LMAO. What an ugly time in USC football history. It was painful to live through.

    hackett. There, I got it out of my system. :lol:
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  3. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    I've watched LSU fans talk about Saban since his hire and one of the reasons I've found it so entertaining is because of the similarity of some of the comments made by you guys and what I saw coming out of Bama nation when fRan ran.

    However, there is a difference between the two situations. While you guys are ticked off he's back in the SEC, most of the anger Bama fans felt came from how fRan handled his situation with the players. Heck, I stood right in front of him and heard him tell a recruit and his father he wasn't going to aTm all the while knowing how the booster clubs at aTm were buying up web site domain names dedicated to fRan. Lying to players is one thing. Telling the media he wasn't interested in the Alabama job is another considering how little truth we find in articles in the print media now-a-day.

    He's more of a joke now than an anger situation. It's well known he couldn't handle the pressure at Alabama. Saban leaving LSU was a different matter, all together. Saban leaving Miami is as well. People keep saying he's after the $$ while seemingly ignoring the fact he took a pay cut to return to college ball.

    I think the sooner you realize that Saban will be a topic of conversation here for quite a while the sooner you'll see reasonable content/conversations about him. To this day, I continue to see comments about him, the staff, delusions, etc., that quite frankly can only be described as "assinine comments."

    Shula keep saying "we're close" when refering to the progress of the team. In a way, he was right. The reason we stayed close, but didn't break that barrier, was due to the staff on the sidelines. (of course sanctions have played there part, but only slightly when compared to some of the decisions Shula made.)

    While most don't want to admit it in public, a different coach on the sidelines would have made a difference. Now, Saban (who we'll all agree is a good coach) is just what's needed. I've watched staff's being assembled for years and he's done a hell of a job with this one.

    Interestingly enough...going back to fRan, there were a good number on his staff when he left Bama that wanted to stay. BUT, they were simply given a choice. Unemployment vs a move to aTm.
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  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Lying is lying, Terry, and you can't really whitewash it. Lying to the media is lying to the masses, the media only repeats it. That particular lie is not what LSU fans are concerned with. We were fairly easy on Nick when he left for Miami because he told us he was pursuing his dream to coach in the NFL. Well, that turned out to be a lie, the NFL was simply an employment opportunity for him and he bolted before his contract was half finished for another one. So our annoyance at Nick bolting was postponed for two years.

    And I don't want to hit this one too hard, but Nick did a lot of "truth evasion" while he was at LSU. People tend to forgive a lot when he brought home all those trophies, but we damn well remember them now. Consider that as you evaluate Nick's career at Bama. You will cut him a lot of slack as long as he wins, but if you pay close attention, Nick can be a devious man.

    Funny, but Bama fans defended Shula vociferously and made a very big deal out of his 10-win season the year before ("We're back!"). I never heard a peep about all these coaching and personal failures that Shula supposedly had . . . until he lost to Mississippi State.

    Then the dam broke and Shula was incompetence personified. He is villified now by all. Things sure change quickly.
  5. Cajun Sensation

    Cajun Sensation I'm kind of a big deal Staff Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    I want to cage fight Nick Saban.

    Carry on.
  6. TenTexLA

    TenTexLA Founding Member

    Jan 12, 2007
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    This post is priceless. Okay, so your first wife left you for another man. Now years later a good looking babe shows up, gives you the sex you've wanted since the good ole days and you hand over the keys to your assets. You explain to friends this lady is different even though people say "Look Out Buddy". But when you look into her eyes she's always smiling and making you feel really good. Only time will tell. There is a mountain of expectations on Saban, the players and the University. The dice have been rolled. Man I'm glad it's Bama in this high states gamble and not my LSU. Of course rebuilding a program at LSU is quite different then trying to do the same at Bama, very different. And yes, Saban & Bama deserve each other!
  7. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    I've mentioned this before with you Red, and I'll stand behind what I said the very first time this was approached. IF he would have said something different during the times he was questioned it would have created contract problems with Miami.

    That being said, how many times do you have to tell a media group that your focus is on your current team so they'll stop hounding you with questions like "Are you looking at UA?" Before his "denial" I mentioned here what the story was, who was handling the negotiations behind "closed doors," and what would eventually transpire. (how many thought I should change my username to delusional? :hihi: )

    He was literally forced into a corner repeatedly and in order to take the focus away from Alabama and put it on Miami what choice did he have? You'll say he should have said, "I won't discuss other opportunities while I'm currently employed." He did that countless times, but the media didn't care to listen to that answer but continued to push.

    I'm not sugarcoating it. I can't say I agree with the way he responded to the questions. BUT, I can understand it. I know the Miami media and how they've misconstrued his action countless times.

    Curious. You mention him leaving his "dream opportunity" in the NFL. He tried it, didn't like it, and moved on. Hell, his boss told him, "follow your heart." Can you blame him?

    Your basing that on what you read on message boards. What you aren't taking into account are the discussions we had during that 10 win season. Back? Hell no! Geez, you remember how many times I pointed to the OL as a problem? Do you remember how many times I pointed to the lack of O production and put the blame squarely on Shula?

    Red. Think about it. What was said on this very forum about that team? Answer? The defense is better than you guys are giving credit. How many people were predicting a blow out here? I just pointed to the D.

    I don't mind you talking about what some of the Bama fans said about Shula...as long as you don't include me in that group. :thumb:

    To go along the same thought process...

    Why on earth would anyone who knew of the discipline problems on the team post then during his tenure?? A lot of us knew the problems, talked about them, but not in public.

    Last but not least, it wasn't the game vs MSU that started the movenment to replace Shula. In fact, it didn't start in '06, but '05 with the game vs Ole Miss.

    Don't quite get the analogy...

    Bama and Saban deserve each other? Proven success, strong program with a strong minded coach. I'll go with that...:thumb:
  8. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    Just as a side note...

    While I understand why Saban is under LSU fans skin...it's more amusing seeing what appears to be the HC having the same problem.
  9. khounba

    khounba Founding Member

    Aug 25, 2006
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    It shouldn't be too hard to believe. I mean CLM has to work closer to $$$$$ than the fans do. I'm just happy our coach shows some emotion. The only emotion $$$$$ ever gave was yelling at players on the sidelines. Everything else was relatively scripted.
  10. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    All this "Saban" stuff is soon going to be squelched. How many more weeks to the game??

    I've never been to an away game but am very interested in this one and will probably try to go if I can get two tickets. A friend of mine and I were discussing it the other day.
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