More People Use a Gun in Self-Defense Each Year Than Die in Car Accidents

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUTiga, Jul 21, 2018.

  1. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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  2. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Not everybody who is handicapped is in a wheel chair or on crutches. Many people with heart conditions are handicapped but look normal. And there are those who are temporarily handicapped.
    Last week I had some kind of intestinal bug and it was causing diarrhea. The drugstore had about 6 handicapped spots that nobody was using and it was raining, I parked near the door so I could run in, buy the medication I needed and rush home. I was temporarily handicapped.

    And the guy had a history of harassing people over minor things that annoyed him. If he had just kept his mouth shut the incident would have never happened.
    tirk likes this.
  3. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    Sounds like a lot of nonsense to justify a shooting bc of your biases. Try not to always get lost in the weeds. Or lose the conversation there.

    Most guys have been shoved by some random asshole wanting a fight. It's part of being a guy. Not shooting them is the being a man part where we chose another route.

    Let's stick to what we can reasonably see from the video. Guy sees gf arguing with meddling asshole. Black knight defends her physically. White trash pulls out gun. Shoots guy who is not moving towards him and is unarmed.

    Any reasonable person says excessive force and leans to murder. Outside of Watson and tiga clearly never counts.

    BAY0U BENGAL I'm a Chinese Bandit

    Feb 11, 2009
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    It’s easy to get caught up in hypotheticals and what-ifs. Taking a step back from the Monday morning quarterbacking and looking at what’s in front of you with a video, there wasn’t a reason to shoot. Again, audio could’ve been “I’m going to kill you old man” and then he shot. But from straight video, it’s hard to justify it.
    GiantDuckFan and Bengal B like this.
  5. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    There are provisions for obtaining handicap placards both permanent and temporary.
    If you have some other information then what is it? I have seen one prior reported incident. I don't think that constitutes a history. As well the attacker also has a history of violence as did the woman.

    So if I get your point, people should just not express their opinions and just accept when other people are doing wrong?

    Sorry but I don't think he's required to keep his mouth shut just as I think the woman should have just parked in a legal spot. Her offense came first. Had she parked legally, nothing would have happened, not even an argument.
    What part is nonsense? Both the person who got shot and the mother of his children have rap sheets that include violence. He acted with intent to cause injury before he even attempted to discuss anything whatsoever. He gave no regard to the safety of his girlfriend or their children. He approached the situation without giving it any consideration as to what was going on. Nobody heard audio so there's no way to know what was really said by any of the parties.

    That wasn't just a small shove. That was a much larger man attacking an older and much smaller man, knocking him to the ground, where bodily injury to the point of death and ensuing manslaughter charges could have occurred. Fact.

    I disagree. The man who got shot exited the store without the five-year-old and with nowhere near enough time to analyze what was happening. He strode quickly straight up to the man and shoved, no questions, no conversation, zero hesitation. While I realize it's not clear from the video, I believe the customer who arrived into the parking lot during the argument, went into the store and made a comment about the argument. That's where the shooting victim made a choice in my opinion.

    It's Florida. There is a well-publicized law in effect. If you lay hands on somebody first, then there are consequences.
    And yet I think it was you who said earlier that the shooting victim put his hands in the air. And you are admitting that without the audio and without any other information, you think it's clear that there was no reason to shoot.

    I'm saying that there is plenty of information in that video that one could easily argue in a court of law that there was reason to shoot within the constrictions of stand your ground. I guarantee without that video, the shooter is in jail today and ends up sentenced for murder, partly based on the girlfriend's testimony which as I've already said would most likely be a lie since she's dishonest to begin with.
    watson1880 likes this.
  6. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Yeah, like I was going to go to the doctor and sit around the waiting room where I might have soiled myself in front of the other patients.

    And no handicapped person was deprived of a parking spot. I was in the store for about 5 minutes and when I came out none of the other handicapped spots were occupied.

    While people have a legal right to express their opinions it's not always the smartest thing to do. He could have called the law if he hated it so much to see somebody parking where they weren't supposed to. I would hate to cut you off in traffic, You would probably chase me down and give me a severe beating with a bat.

    BAY0U BENGAL I'm a Chinese Bandit

    Feb 11, 2009
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    Yep. And then I cleared that up because I was wrong about it. That doesn’t change anything. I have stated several times that without audio, we are just guessing at what was happening. Still doesn’t change anything. The shooter got rocked by a man-sized shove, I’ll agree with that. I’ll also agree that after the shove nothing else happened.
    watson1880 likes this.
  8. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Would I say anything to you in that instance? No, and yet it's still illegal. That was my point...breaking the law for personal convenience doesn't make it okay.

    However, it has nothing to do with THIS case. The female was NOT handicapped, either permanently or temporarily. She told the police she parked there because there were no other open spots but the video shows that to be a total lie.

    Sure he could have. And she could have chosen a different spot. OR, she could have moved once addressed. Still, exercising his right to speak doesn't mean he deserved to be assaulted....and he was. What would you be saying if he'd hit his head on the pavement and died? Or if he hadn't had the gun and was further beaten?

    Dramatize much? I live and drive in one of the most traffic-centric places in the country filled with people who don't know how to drive. I never engage with anyone over driving issues. You could cut me off all day long, take a parking spot I was waiting for, tailgate me, and I will not respond. I'm the person who always lets someone in, even if they don't use a turn signal. I learned a long time ago that you don't get where you're going any faster, another spot always opens up, and I just don't need the stress....not to mention I almost always have my kids in the car. They watch what I do and say. So if they see me stick up for someone else i.e. someone with a handicap, that's a good thing. Getting upset about other drivers....bad thing.

    And FTR, I have never in my life assaulted, shoved, hit, purposely come in to contact with anyone. Had it been me in this case, I likely would have assumed the shooter had a screw loose and would have made every effort to quickly remove myself from the area.
    Without the audio, no way to know if something else was a threat. Do you think McGlockton would have stopped with the shove if the gun hadn't been drawn? Without this video, shooter is toast. With the video, he either remains uncharged or charges/conviction/sentencing will be mitigated.
    KyleK likes this.
  9. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    The owner was interviewed on the news saying murderous white trash guy was always causing shit with his customers and looking for trouble repeatedly. One patron said white trash threatened to shoot him personally a week prior. Not small details to the case.

    I made my assessment before knowing any of that. That piece of fuck is guilty. State should file 2nd degree as bb said. Only bc premeditated wouldnt stand a chance but should. She can park anywhere she wishes, Its not your business to know their reasoning nor confront them. If concerned take a picture and send it to the local krispy kreme. Here you are talking about the dead guys record and his gfs kids. stay out the weeds.
    BAY0U BENGAL, Winston1 and Bengal B like this.
  10. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Bengal B likes this.

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