Whatever happened to the good old days when they hated us and we hated them? :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:
Bengal B, I don't make the rules over there. I do make fun of Mack Brown and his shitty OC on Longhornfanzone.
Yeah bring back them days......and what happened to the pornography download section of tigerforums?.....oh my bad....wrong website.
No offense to Mr. P or any other lurking Sooners but I'm glad that this site isn't so...what's the word...anal as some of the OU sites I frequented last December. Imagine if Ramah's posts were deleted because he was too caustic? How boring would things be around here, eh?
Hey col, you are a classy guy. Sorry I didn't see this thread earlier, but I'm glad you hang out in here. Hope you get to bring your granddaughter to BR this season.
While we are working hard to keep the site and it's visitors upbeat, focused, and free of foolishness, and while I appreciate the positive thought - Brett deserves most of the credit for setting the standards, and doing all the behind the scenes WORK to keep all the balls in the air.