I don't know if there is any hard evidence showing maple bats improve hitting, I kinda think they're a superstitious gimmick
Have to be lighter than Ash right? Lighter bat = Increased bat speed. Only reason they would make the switch.
pretty sure this asian bug eats all the ash trees and cant be stopped. this was years back so im not sure if they found a way to kill it yet.
the consensus on what type of wood to use is splintered oh and next time you try a pun, stick a cork in it
Shot through the heart, and you're to blame You give love a bad name. I don't know about bats but what about hockey sticks and pucks? A little girl was killed a couple of years ago at a hockey game when a puck hit her in the head.
Nats have their wood bat preferences, but science suggests there is no difference https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/nationals/nats-have-their-wood-bat-preferences-but-science-suggests-there-is-no-difference/2014/07/25/c8145624-01e9-11e4-b8ff-89afd3fad6bd_story.html a good article ....about 70 percent of Major League Baseball players used maple bats, with 25 percent using ash and 5 percent yellow birch ....maple came out and the thought was that it was a lot harder ....Yellow birch is rising in popularity because it’s also a hard wood. ....Maple breaks less often than ash, but it also breaks more violently,prompting MLB to add regulations for the slope of grain in maple bats. ....“There is no magic about maple hitting the ball further. We’ve tested all kinds of wood bats — bamboo bats, beechwood, ash and maple — and wood is wood when it comes to hitting performance ....Even though maple bats can be ordered in lighter weights, they’ll still be heavier than their ash bat equivalents. Smith said a heavier bat increases the hit-ball speed, but it also slows the swing speed
On the surface this seems contradictory but a scientist I am not. Bat speed aside, the real number is the BESR which essentially is the exit speed of the ball off of the bat. This is what brought the NCAA to use the ridiculous bbcor bats. I find it odd that your article says maple bats break less than ash.