So many of the most prominent sportswriters are incredibly lazy. Indeed, Miles to Michigan would be a big journalistic moment. But damn, Herbie, do the leg work! Ever seen All the President's Men? Next time you think you've got a scoop, follow that model. Okay? And Albom. After Herbie went bananas, you can't come out and say Miles is a liar and a sneak without any proof! Get off your tail and research the story. If you can confirm your allegations, get quotes and maybe a few names, I'll be the first in line to read your Miles Undercover piece! Till then, shut your pie hole. :milesmic:
By the way, I read the article and I don't recall him saying the Michigan job is too good for Miles. If anything, he sounds bitter that they didn't get Miles.
The title of his article is "Les Miles Was the Wrong Coach for a Great Job." The first sentence of the article is addressed to Miles: "Good riddance."