I think age would enter the equation at some point but it would be implicitly dependent on the person doing the hiring rather than a constant dilemma that adults would have to face. Some employers might not like the idea of having young people working for them and some employers might prefer young people over adults. There are other factors to consider in this though such as company image and such. I would imagine some place like American Eagle or something would rather have some young kid running around selling stuff than an adult since that is their primary audience. I think the general point is that there may end up being cases of a bidding war between job candidates in which a kid with no responsibiities would obviously be willing to work for less than an adult with bills to pay.
With the cash for clunkers program Obama, is, in fact helping people to buy a new Lexus or the vehicle of their choice. Why in hell should the government pay up to $4500 to help people buy a new car and then turn around and crush their old vehicle? I am totally against this program but if they are going to do it they should at least resell the vehicles that are worth something and sell the parts off the ones that are only worth salvage value.
obama is a crazed liberal maniac, so far he has been total disaster, as bad he possibly could be. $4500, man. ridiculous. democrats seem to think the taxpayers are a magical and endless source of money, the more you take, the more they have. it boggles my mind that anyone thinks this is ok. what sort of country do we want to be?
Don't you know that the logical thing to do is to go in the opposite direction of the system that has made you the greatest nation on earth? Success is all but guaranteed.
Since 5% of the population pays 60% of the taxes, what if this 5% finally had enough, got organized, and just stopped paying taxes one day. You can't put 5% of the population in prison, they are already releasing serious criminals out early because there is no room left to house them. This could shut down the entire government. And there are 39% who don't pay any taxes at all, but they sure do have a disproportionate vote that says where the 5% of taxpayers' money is spent. The more entitlements the gov't provides, the greater the number that take those entitlements and don't put anything back. It was recently reported that our tax rolls are the lowest they have been since The Great Depression. That says to me that the lower end of the spectrum is taking more than they are putting in (which is zero). There is no way to catch up. Its laughable that someone who doesn't pay any taxes gets an additional credit (towards the purchase of that new HD TV, etc). I get nauseous every time I hear about another entitlement program. I also get nausueous knowing that 95% of the households in this country earn less than $250K per year. And I throw up in my mouth, a little, when I learn that 5% of the earners pay 60% of the taxes (and 1% pay 40%). Life is good for the Americans....scratch that. I also learned that Americans is no longer politically correct. We are now to be referred to as "Peoples of the United States." What a crock of meadow muffin.