Everyone needs to read "Liberty and Tyranny" by Mark Levin. It will educate the liberals and strengthen the arguments of the conservatives. We are on the road to becoming the United Socialist America. Back on topic...Who else has seen their grocery bill increase since the Min Wage went up to $7.25? I know I have. This increase propagates itself numerous times. The dairy has to pay its workers more. This means the wholesale price is higher. Now since the grocery has to pay more for both its employees and its products, we the consumer now have to shoulder an even higher burden of this increase to cover the cost increases at all levels. Supply and Demand is a wonderful thing when the govt isn't gerrymandering with prices, quotas, etc. Americans need to heed the warning. It has taken this socialist president a mere 7 months to facilitate his destruction of America. The wealth redistribution continues...
This would best if the world were just black and white, but you are ignoring the shades of gray that make your point of view far too simplistic to be relevant.
It works for me. I don't seek help and I don't offer it. I once worked for $1.65 an hour with a wife and kid. I didn't want "assistance" even though it was available to me. I managed. Let the shades of gray figure it out. If you're too stupid, sorry. That's how the gene pool works.
buying a new lexus is good for lots of people, from the chinaman bolting it together to the guy mopping the floor at the dealership. lots of jobs involved building, selling and maintaining that lexus. buying a lexus does raise the standard of living for the poor.
Wait! Is the government buying everyone a Lexus now? Great! I want one of the SUVs, in white or black.
Well, all tax payers (including businesses) ultimately pay for it either way. I'm not sure that higher taxation is the answer. The American economy runs at almost full-employment most of the time anyway. Welfare is more that sufficient IMO. With more explanation, it is not as dumb as I originally thought.
What? I don't even understand what your point is. Work harder? Perhaps if you're just considering hours of manual labor, but if I'm smart enough to do something in half the time then I should be rewarded for that.
I'm not sure welfare would see that much of a spike, therefore I'm not sure much higher taxation would be necessary. I'd like to see a simplification and retooling of the federal government's role in our lives, but that is a seperate discussion. Being one of the unemployed for months and now looking to find work for my wife here in Baton Rouge has made me more sympathetic to the unemployed. Still, getting rid of minimum wage should be a positive for business and the value of the dollar. I'm not saying it isn't, just that I'd be willing to consider that it isn't. I'd bet it could be better designed.
ASSUMING that the market-determined minimum wage is lower than the current government standard, how could welfare not increase? I agree, but ultimately it could not have a very big impact on the employment level. It could absolutely be better designed.