the question is this, do we have the right to intervene between person X and person Y when they negotiate an exchange of services for money. given that neither person is forced to do anything, i cant imagine how anyone needs our help. you either take a job for minimum wage, or you dont. if employers need employees bad enough, they will pay more. if not, they will pay less. if people need jobs bad enough, they will work, if they dont, they will not. liteally not really anyone's business besides employer and employee, they negotiate their own labor rates.
the great majority of people are stupid and can be easily taken advantage of. However, whatever has the greatest positive impact on MY standard of living is the ideology that i support.
Why can't we do away with the minimum wage? If there is enough welfare out there to provide a sufficient life to the poorest people, why can't we do away with the minimum wage, which forces business to subsidize the poor instead of the government? And seriously, I think in addition to getting rid of the minimum wage we need a retooling of welfare. If there is sufficient welfare to keep people from living in a bad way, why have a minimum wage? The minimum wage causes devaluation of money. Because capitalism craps on the bottom we have welfare. No need for minimum wage.
there is not sufficient welfare. that is clear. and there probably should not be sufficient welfare, as has been noted, to keep people striving for more. but welfare is temporary. only if you have children will you get $$$ for a long time. without min wage things would be much worse.
Which would be more incentive to pick yourself up by the bootstraps and do something about it. lsu-I-like says "capitalism craps on the bottom". Well if I'm getting crapped on, I'm going to move out of the way. Liberals only see the lower strata and want to do lots of feel good stuff to help them out. They have no idea how that affects the upper strata who ends up footing the bill so the libs can feel good about themselves. Obama, for example has no clue what business is about. He's never had a job. So, his perspective is from the have-nots. In his zeal to provide for the least of us, he is screwing up the economy for years to come. And he's doing it in the only way he knows. Chicago style. His cronies are making out like bandits.
i have repeatedly addressed this yet no one ever responds. it would be ok if this were the case, but our society has too many of these jobs. there will always be millions in these jobs. they are not all (not even close) filled by teenagers. they cannot all get out of these jobs. these jobs must exist. no, or a low, min wage establishes/maintains a peasant class a substantial % of upper strata are libs. im sure Os perspective is from the have-nots, i prefer that to how the trickle-down republicans see things. i hope youre wrong about the economy. we'll see. its hard for me to blame him on the economy (you basically said its all his fault) when Medicare and SS have been a long time coming, and the housing market/financial crisis had nothing to do with him. more than likely, the biggest blame he will be burdened with is being unsuccessful in trying to fix a mess.
this is the exact opposite of the truth. capitalism liberates the poor. go to a place that doesnt have capitalism, look at their poor, see how much they have relative to poor in a more-free economy. capitalism liberates folks to keep what they work for. it makes people rich. the poor in america are not poor at all by the standards of non capitalist countries. countries that are not capitalist do not have fat poor people with cable tv like we have. immigrants move here every day because of capitalism. they go from being desperately poor to a level a wealth that was totally unimaginable in their former country. and this is explicitly because of capitalism.
Just because these jobs always exist does not mean the same people always have stay in them. Every single person in a minimum wage job is capable of getting something better with a lot of work. The current economy he inherited, but the further damage he is trying to do will haunt this nation for a long time.
Maybe the worst idea I've ever heard. I'm gonna just take a shot in the dark here and say that you did not get a degree in Economics.
No one's blaming him for what he inherited. But it's an excuse that is getting old. He's not making things any better and the guy (or gal) that inherits Obama's mess will be unable to do anything to repair the damage.