am i suppposed to believe tht the government can supply this reserve but private folks cant? are the governmetn silos magical? the point was that we could do without all this red meat anyways. all this need for feed means corn growers grower terrible corn specifically genetically designed to be ground into feed, and it tastes horrible and humans hate it. plus, if you care about global warming, and i do not, then you would be in favor of far less cow farms. you would be happy to see them run out of feed. the idea that we need a strategic corn supply for wars is crazy. just another thing propagated by special interest.
The government insures the reserve, so that the growers don't lose money by participating in the reserve program. If prices are stable growers have no problems making money. If a shortage were to occur for any reason, from war to crop failure to Klingon intervention, then the growers would make good money for having reserves available. In years of overharvest and low prices, the growers would be protected against loss by the government for having reserves available. It's risk management at its basis. Insurance against the cascading failures of a grain interruption.
i disagree, because i think private folks can do their own insuring, but since you already agree that food subsidy is bad and we are only talking about the relatively minor issue of reserves, i am gonna leave it.
forgot to mention that the ratios of omega 3 to 6 fatty acids are likely somewhat responsible for low heart disease rates in people that eat high fat diets. omega 3 fats spoil fast so industry has put a lot of effort into avoiding them (and seeds/grains are high in omega 6 fats). the ratio in traditional human diets is 3:1. in western diets its 10:1. too few omega 3 fats (fish) and too many omega 6 fats (corn/soy). so go pick up some anchovies (ive been using them in dirty martinis)
True, the red meat is red, but most of the meat they eat is the blubber which beats marbling all to hell.