not really. you go off too far on the deep end all the time. any eggs, whether a platypus or a farm-raised pterodactyl are infinitely better than anything processed. significantly diminished compared to a multivitamin maybe.
i think you are correct, although i dont think the nutritional value is diminished all that seriously. i do know that a farmer from the past would be stunned at the way modern livestock looks and that chickens in particular are really different than they were 100 years ago. but i am not convinced that they are anything more than mariginally less nutritious. perhaps they are i will read about it. i love to read!
I plucked it from thin air, I'm not real invested in it either. It wasn't hard to find, though. Let's see, of my monthly bills, shelter, food, and daycare are the most expensive. Communications companies, financial institutions, media companies, food companies, insurance companies, ... Should companies be allowed to be in the position to stun the US economy? I'm reluctant to accept that and know from first hand experience that private corporations take shortcuts and don't always have the best interest of the country in mind. Without regulation some corporations will bugger up things. If the government can circumvent that, that would probably be better for society. I'm not saying the government has done a good job preventing it... and I don't have a lot of faith that with the status quo government will ever adequately police large corporations. Are you simply ok with large corporations turning our economy into a clusterfk? You say invest smarter, but come on. Once the ball is rolling, it's rolling. Be real.
farm subsidies, and specifically corn subsidies are way older than that. people have used the same ludicrous excuses you use to justify them. nevermind that they hurt everyone except a few special interests. fear drives them, fear that we cant feed ourselves unless the government manages it. trust me, it doesnt matter who we go to war with, subsidies will not be helpful to keep us eating. farmers will not say "oops i was growing lilacs, but now we are at war and it is too late for me to switch to corn, and oops we started importing it from the very same nation we are now fighting." this idea you have, that certain crops need to be protected for security, it is antiquated and stupid, the product of non-thought. this idea has made america obese and done massive damage worldwide, as i described earlier.
historically, food was way higher up. and of course you spend far more for food than necessary. if you spent just on staples, basic meats and vegetables, you would truly spend almost nothing. and how are these companies using a monopolistic position to sting you? they arent bothering me. i have choices when it comes to these companies. short term, yes. and ask yourself, are these companies really in a position to burn us any more than the tax burden of rescuing them? and isnt that just the way natural progress happens, things get to big and inefficient and then fail? and wont the understanding that no bailout will ever come be a motivator for comapnies to be run better? if, for example, GM had failed, so what? we still need cars, right? some other company would hire the best GM workers, and this new company would be better and not waste money, and not do the things that GM did that caused failure. or they too would fail and more companies would come along ulntil one was actually good and could survive. if you are a small auto comapny, doing things right, and you are happy to hear that your biggest competitor has failed, and you are happy to hire off their top guys and keep chugging along, and doing things right and growing, how is it fair they they get bailed out, that they are "too big to fail"? what kind of marketplace is this, how are we rewarding competence if this is how we run things? well there is some boom and bust involved with capitalism. so be it. if you sold a house during the top of the housing boom, then good on you. if you bought one for more than it was worth, then too bad. you should have rented.
i agree. about the processed part, not the deep end part. i read 40% decrease. i'll see if i can dig up a reference. but for now, pastured eggs contain "1/3 less cholesterol than commercial eggs 1/4 less saturated fat 2/3 more vitamin A 2 times more omega-3 fatty acids 7 times more beta carotene" perhaps not an unbiased reference. its hard to find unbiased ones. most of the data is from industry/usda. the website below has a lot of general info and it is referenced, and its not all MotherNature News as above. Eat Wild try "in defense of food" -michael pollan. lots of interesting anecdotes. like, some dentist in the 30's or so searched out all sorts of societies unreached by western diet. they had great teeth. i was very surprised.
read it years ago, dude. i read or listen to all his interviews as well. periodically he is on science friday on NPR talking about these issues. i agree with him almost entirely. right. i think the whole-foods-white-person-localvore-organic movement is pretty untrustworth, even though i agree with alot of what they say. i dont trust em. also watch "king corn" through netflix streaming on your 360. very good documentary. edit: my mistake i read the omnivore's dillema. i have not read in defense of food, but i have heard him talk about it extensively in interviews. the basic gist of it is you shouldnt eat anything your great grandma hasnt eaten. this includes hot pockets.
I'll accept that food was much more expensive in the past; we were pretty poor not that long ago and I'm not going to try to investigate it. But I think its risen lately. I've been not buying real extravagantly, but food will always be one of my biggest expenses. It just is, unless all you eat is ramen. Well, some financial corporations diddling around have caused the entire nation agony. Yes the government played a role, but this is bigger than government. This is a result of, as I said before, a nasty mix of inadequate regulation and unregulated companies going off. How did it sting me? I've recently found work, but I was unemployed for a while. I'm trying to find work in Baton Rouge for my wife now so she can join me from Florida. Were we living beyond our means as a nation? I can dig that, but it sucks to live the repercussions. See, I can also agree with this. This isn't ideal, but it is natural progression. It is human nature to try to fight that, I think, but perhaps we just can't fight our human frailties as an extremely large society. Maybe there are too many chances for some guy in power to stick 50 grand in his freezer. Like capitalism reflects the true nature of man, perhaps our idea of regulation should better reflect man's nature. You say that you aren't anti-regulation, so what regulation are you for?
my bread and eggs went way up when my gas prices tripled almost overnight. one contradicts the other. of course they arent as nutritional as those grown at home. but it really adds nothing to the comparison against crap food being bellowed out by the govt. its still something cheap to buy and really good for you. then again, your 2x4 example was appropriate. slight differences of note. edit: i try not to eat anything processed but i do love me some rice krispy treats.