yeah i shoulda clarified in my reference of one from the other. total tax is separate from the federal tax listed. if payroll taxes, etc is included, the wealthy pay significantly less.
That proves my point. That is w-2 income. The top 1% get a huge percentage of their income from non W-2 sources like capital gains. I'm not saying you don't have a point or that the tax burden is equitably spread, but the analysis you are referencing is incomplete and skewed for political reasons.
From the linked article... Because the statistics are based upon AGI and not W-2 income, the capital gains and dividends are included. There is bias from the capital gains and dividends in the overal tax rate paid by this group, but the bias is not present in the statistics provided, as they based on AGI from tax returns. To recap if you fell asleep at the keyboard, the tax statistics presented are based upon AGI, and not W-2 income. Again this data comes directy from the IRS.
There are 2 types. Those that have and those that want what those that have have. Obama and crew are diligently trying to please those that want. By the way, I heard that Nancy Reagan slipped John Hinkley a note congratulating him on his impending release and advising him that Obama has been slamming Jodie Foster like a barn door in a tornado.
It's because they make 60% of the money, amigo. People are taxed on their income. Most of these are retirees, widows, students, and other folks working at jobs (minimum wage) that have an income so low that the same standard deduction that you and I take leaves them with no tax bill owed. Yep, cutting taxes on the richest tends to make them even richer, doesn't it.