Results of the 2000 preseidential election. :wink: STATES WITH ABOVE AVERAGE IQ's rank state average IQ winner 1 Connecticut 113 Gore 2 Massachusetts 111 Gore 3 New Jersey 111 Gore 4 New York 109 Gore 5 Rhode Island 107 Gore 6 Hawaii 106 Gore 7 Maryland 105 Gore 8 New Hampshire 105 Bush 9 Illinois 104 Gore 10 Delaware 103 Gore 11 Minnesota 102 Gore 12 Vermont 102 Gore 13 Washington 102 Gore 14 California 101 Gore 15 Pennsylvania 101 Gore 16 Maine 100 Gore 17 Virginia 100 Bush 18 Wisconsin 100 Gore STATES WITH BELOW AVERAGE IQ's rank state average IQ winner 19 Colorado 99 Bush 20 Iowa 99 Gore 21 Michigan 99 Gore 22 Nevada 99 Bush 23 Ohio 99 Bush 24 Oregon 99 Gore 25 Alaska 98 Bush 26 Florida 98 Gore 27 Missouri 98 Bush 28 Kansas 96 Bush 29 Nebraska 95 Bush 30 Arizona 94 Bush 31 Indiana 94 Bush 32 Tennessee 94 Bush 33 North Carolina 93 Bush 34 West Virginia 93 Bush 35 Arkansas 92 Bush 36 Georgia 92 Bush 37 Kentucky 92 Bush 38 New Mexico 92 Gore 39 North Dakota 92 Bush 40 Texas 92 Bush 41 Alabama 90 Bush 42 Louisiana 90 Bush 43 Montana 90 Bush 44 Oklahoma 90 Bush 45 South Dakota 90 Bush 46 South Carolina 89 Bush 47 Wyoming 89 Bush 48 Idaho 87 Bush 49 Utah 87 Bush 50 Mississippi 85 Bush We sure couldn't make an average 100 IQ a cutoff point or the country would be run by Yankees.
The idea is rediculous. Any law abiding citizen has the right to vote. I'm sure a lot of otherwise intelligent people vote for bad candidates. What I am in favor of is repealing the right to vote from people with differing opinions from me.
points: 1. i live in the smartest state in the union. (edit, nevermind i notice connecticut is smartest, and i made a mistake. a connecticut person would never have made such a dumb mistake.) 2. i dont favor iq tests, but i favor race based admission to polls. blacks clearly shouldnt vote, and neither should mexicans. only whites. and not russians and slavs or whatever either, those are the darkies of the white race. i mean only western europeans of german and english decent, people like me. also japanese if they arent too slanty eyed. actually i guess i effectively am saying i favor iq tests.
Citizenship itself should entitle one to vote. Intelligence merely entitles one to vote intelligently. Your basic dumbazz should have a right to vote if he works and pays taxes. Even the unemployed should be able to vote if they are not criminals and otherwise exercise the responsibilities of a citizen. Felons should not be able to vote, for they are scumbags. Profoundly retarded people, unable to tend for themselves should not be able to vote, lest false votes be placed for them. And the English and German descendants of Vikings should be given two votes, of course.
i forgot to mention that although jews are very smart they should not vote, because jews are dirty and scheming. so you do favor iq tests, you just favor setting the bar very low. only the smart can vote eh? whats next, hitler?
Well, that's a pretty sweeping generalization. Many felons have done things no worse than some of the things that you have, they just had worse luck. Does that make them 'scum?' Thanks!
An increasing percentage of Americans are in some way dependent on Uncle Sam. That's a major part of our great divide and why Bush was reelected. Thankfully, there are still more independent, self-reliant, individuals in America than there are titty-suckers. But eventually, if the trend continues, the scale will tip, and when that happens there will probably never be another conservative elected President; and this once great nation will spiral down the crapper., all people receiving government welfare should not be allowed to vote. Their continued support will be soley at the discretion/generosity of those who are capable and willing.
Good point. LBJ's great society could one day payoff big time. I'm sure he probably didn't think of that concept but it seems he was doing a little bit of campaigning for the future.