Michael Jordan's kid to LSU - my crystal ball

Discussion in 'LSU RECRUITING' started by BB, Jul 13, 2005.

  1. DallasLSU

    DallasLSU Founding Member

    Jan 29, 2003
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    Where did he say anything about exposure being the "real problem with LSU men's hoops?" So are you saying that Michael Jordan's SON wouldn't cause a great bit of exposure for our team??? Are you joking?
  2. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    another one with reading comprehension problems.
  3. latiger09

    latiger09 Freshman

    Jun 20, 2005
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    he will be part of the class of 2007. the NC departures have nothing to do with him, they wouldve been gone anyway had they stayed. he will be a tar heel bank on it.

    TD TIGER Founding Member

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Maybe I should have clarified a little more. "Exposure" based on someone like Michael Jordan's son is simply artificial. So if you are John Brady, do you really go after a kid for "exposure", or do you go after him because he fills a need and will make your team better.....which in turn will create exposure based on a good team and winning?

    So no I'm not joking one bit. I think it's a stupid idea to go after him to gain exposure. Why don't we just play like the Harlem Globetrotters.....surely that will gain us some exposure. :dis:

    And Tirk I'm not sure if you were saying I have a reading comprehension problem...after all I could if I'm misreading your post, but I don't think you could possibly agree with the idea presented.

    TD TIGER Founding Member

    Dec 12, 2003
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    And as far as exposure for the entire school, I'd rather it happen due to success than a celebrity...even if it is Michael Jordan.

    Sorry for providing the duplicate link, I did miss that in the original post.
  6. DallasLSU

    DallasLSU Founding Member

    Jan 29, 2003
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    I'm not saying John Brady should change his entire recruiting practices. But don't you think that this kind of situation warrents an individual look? You're comparing recruiting for exposure on a whole with our individual point about Jordan's kid. You act like we want to change the entire process to start for exposure..

    So you would actually pass this kid all together if we had a chance? I mean if we offered and got this kid, it would be all over the national news and would be seen by all Top 100 players...What if five of those players gave us official visits and one ended wanting to sign with us?

    TD TIGER Founding Member

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Scholarships are extremely valuable in basketball and each spot should be filled understanding the risk of the player that fills it. IF Jordan's son is the quality of player and character that we need, then we should go after him irregardless of his name.

    In my opinion, above all other collegiate sports, basketball is the toughest to recruit because the players are much more ego driven than any other sport and they have bigger, and more immediate impacts than other sports. I don't believe that most top recruits would care one bit if Jordan is playing at LSU. Instead, I think they will just want to know if they will be showcased. With the new minimum age limit, it will become even more about "what can you do for me in one year" than "I want to be on a team that grows and has chances to win championships".

    This just sounds so much like a Dale Brown ploy (Adam Walton to try to land Luke Walton). I think if you get into these practices, then you will be far worse than trying to meet your original objective of building a solid program. It's too risky and lacks good judgement IMO.

    Would it turn heads? Absolutely, but also probably temporarily
    Would it mean that top kids consider us? Who Knows
    Does it guarantee anything? No
    Will it use a precious scholarship if he wanted to come here - whether or not he will ever play? Yes

    Now I'm not saying he won't be the type of player we want, but if you are going after him with the objective of gaining exposure, and the assumption that you will be able to land bigger recruits, then I disagree with it 100%.
  8. BB

    BB Founding Member

    Jan 26, 2004
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    Damn, fellas...

    I was just having a little fun daydreaming about running into Air Jordan at the concession stand and sharing a Tiger Ball Park Frank with him.

    It's just a fun thought.
  9. DallasLSU

    DallasLSU Founding Member

    Jan 29, 2003
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    I guess we'll just agree to disagree. I agree with a lot of what you say,but don't agree with you at all in the whole argument. For instance, here in Dallas, SMU offered Bryan Hopkins AND Ryan(his twin brother) scholarships to play b-ball at SMU. They did this to get Bryan Hopkins who, at the time, was a five star basketball recruit. He hasn't lived up to those lofty expectations, but it was still worth it. Had he lived up to the expectations, SMU would be a much much better team than they are now. It was worth the shot though....

    Same for Jordan. Let's say we took Jordan and because of it we get enough national exposure that people start thinking about LSU basketball....Then it was worth it. On the other hand, if it doesn't cause any new players to look at LSU for college, it at least has garnered some serious exposure for the team which is never bad on a university standpoint...
  10. DallasLSU

    DallasLSU Founding Member

    Jan 29, 2003
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    Yeah I know...but it has turned into a good discussion about scholarships,etc...

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