Norm Macdonald is the comedian that elitists like to trot out as being a brilliant comedian; almost a genius. Most of White America doesn't think that he is very funny, which means that he is really, really funny to smart people. He is the master of implied funny. Not actually funny, but something there is funny if you just imagine it with your superior intellect. My good friend with the tight jeans and the Palestinian scarf said so. If anyone could post a link to anything Norm has done that is "genius", I would appreciate it. As far as Michael Jackson, bleh, who gives a turd. He was a freak who sang some songs, danced a bit, hung children over railings, hung his railings over children, and didn't want to have a nose. Heee heeeeee. Shamone!
Google will get a workout from most of the readers trying to figure out who Astaire and Kelley were. :hihi:
jackson may be the best ever at self-hatred. he refused to be black, he refused to be straight or male, or an adult. weird that al sharpton is on tv praising jackson for being a black trailblazer, because michael jackson hated being black and did everything he could to be a white female child. he wanted to be peter pan, as played by sandy duncan. and of course red is right. paul mccartney is far more talented. so are lots of folks. i even think prince is more talented. prince is an absolute shredder on electric guitar. i think of michael jackson as the first real super media-created superstar, a product of mtv and the celebrity-obsessed culure that started to snowball at just the right time for him.
Quincy Jones was the man behind MJ when he hit it big. Funny how you never hear his name mentioned that often with MJ's success. He was the co-producer of both Off The Wall and Thriller.