some of that can be attributed to joe jackson though, when you subject a child to that amount of pressure, and basically rob him of his childhood, it has a far better chance of turning sour than it does sweet.
true enough i suppose. but even the stuff he freely admits to, like getting little boys to sleep with him in his bed as "friends" or whatever, that kinda thing, i already hate him. grow up, seƱor jackson, that aint right. this dude built a damn amusement park in his yard to attract children. that may be the creepiest thing ever. dude is a psycho.
i know alot of people who have faced time for something they didn't do that have settled out of court just because there is a chance they would be found guilty. what would be worse, shelling out 22 million, or living in jail for the rest of your life for a crime you didn't commit? he was accused in the court of public opinion and that screwed him, i don't care who you are, you knew about that trial, no way he would have gotten a fair shake. there wouldn't have been one juror who hadn't heard of michael jackson and the stories. maybe he did, but i don't think he did.
funny how the kid was able to describe his penis in detail. The kid recanted after he got the payoff.
yeah and the alarm system to alert him when the parents of the kids staying over was just so he could be prompt. cmon people. and enough with the blaming his parents. everyone criminal who is phucked up its because of their parents or at least can make a case. whatever. if this dude molested your child im sure you wouldnt reason it out. but hey, hes a great entertainer and an icon. that absolves it.