definately... i would have been really distracted at that game... too many chicks and not enough football... unless you like keeping track of sacks.... I feel for wright... :hihi:
I just got back from the game. The "Fire Jeff Bowden" chants were unreal. I doubt the TV could pick it up accurately. Yes, the women here are knockouts but LSU has better.
At least there was an LSU reference in the game. A few plays after Xavier Lee came in as a replacement for that first poor bastard, one of the announcers was talking about all of his physical talents and trying to compare him to someone else. He said something like, "Think of Jamarcus Russell....," but he was then interrupted by the other announcer. I was a bit surprised that they would use Russell as an example, not because it's not accurate, but because I wouldn't have figured that many people outside of LA and Alabama know much about him. Even though he was a big time recruit, not many people pay that much attention to recruiting to where they would remember someone they didn't get 3 years down the line. Anyway, just thought it was interesting.
That was one ugly game... maybe Jeff Bowden has potential as an announcer. You know, like his chubby brother. Momma needs to tell daddy that the children can't coach.
I don't think that VT is on their schedule this year, unless they meet up in the ACC CG. But that had to be the worst goal line offensive scheme I've seen in years. How can you go into a game against your arch in-state rival and not have a set of goal line plays all figured out?