Not hardly. He had 7 int's this year, but that's incredible with over 300 attempts. Even more incredible, 68.5% of them were completed. Bowe didn't display his dropsy trait this year like the years past. I don't know if any int's came off his hands, but both of them were awesome this year.
Not sure at all what games you were watching, but Bowe dropped quite a few, and yes, at least 3 of the INT's JR threw hit Bowe in the hands.
I think Parso meant that 3 of them were off Bowe's hands..... 3 of the 7. :thumb: Sorry, misunderstood the statement. Not sure at all what games you were watching, but Bowe dropped quite a few, and yes, at least 3 of the INT's JR threw hit Bowe in the hands. I watched all of them that I didn't attend, except for the ones that weren't televised. And I stated in the last post that "I don't know if any came off of his hands, but both were awesome this year". Hope this answers your question.:thumb:
S**T happens. No one is perfect. Not JR. Not Bowe. If we are looking for perfection we will never find what we are looking for. We keep nic-picking at JR, but the fact remains he is one of he top 5 QBs in the nation and will very likely be a high first round draft pick. Of course we are probably much more knowledgable than the coaches and pro scouts.
IMO, he's the best QB available this year and should go first above Quinn. I was talking to the other guy about Bowe's drops.
You are correct. However, last year when JR was throwing balls behind, at the feet, and over the heads of the receivers, the same fans defending JR now were defending him then by blaming the receivers. It's obvious to me that JR has hit a new level in his game. That, IMO, is why the YAC has improved for both Bowe and Davis. As result, their draft status has improved. With the improvement of JR, scouts can observe how talented these guys are.