As they should, the only way to get these ridiculous rags to have any accountability is to force them to by not supporting them. It won't change them so hopefully they just go out of business.
only government approved newspapers are allowed in libraries,.. c'mon, that's blatant governmental censorship,.. and a clear threat to the 1st amendment
Where did you see that? How many times do these partisan hacks need to lie to you before you see it for yourself?
I'm a constitutionalist, I can see with my own eyes think it through, Shane, if that's allowed, when the democrats are in power, what's to keep them from sweeping through the libraries and tossing the publications they don't like?.. book burning is wrong in all its forms. Don't you believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights?.. or are you a trump brown shirt that wants to eliminate the dissenting voice?
They already get physical copies of the NYT at all their libraries. Why pay $2700 extra to get in online.
I didn't get that either, BB,.. I just think government should keep their nose out of those kinda decisions, just like they shouldn't dictate what's taught and not taught in public schools,.. I found this quote foreboding,.. “I agree with President Trump,” he said. “I will not be voting for this. I don’t want the New York Times in this county.”
those entrusted with news reporting today are destroying freedom of the press from within: “not government oppression or suppression,” but self-censorship, group-think, bias by omission, and passing off opinion, propaganda, pseudo-events, and outright lies as news. With the early American patriot press, which proudly promoted the principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, followed by the early decades of the Republic during which newspapers around the young country were open and transparent about their fierce allegiance to one political party or the other. It was only at the start of the Progressive Era and the twentieth century that the supposed “objectivity of the press” first surfaced, leaving us where we are today: with a partisan party-press overwhelmingly aligned with a political ideology but hypocritically engaged in a massive untruth as to its real nature.
You talk prettier than a 2 dollar whore. I no longer watch, listen to or read the news anymore. Other than florida people shit, that stuff is true.
Dear Florida, Thanks- A Florida lap dancer has been arrested in Miami after assaulting five police officers with her vagina and using it as a deadly weapon without the intent to kill.
12-15 feet, that ain't shit. I once a stripper in Thailand shoot a dart out of her cooch and hit a balloon across the room.