Just freaking shoot them. To hell with due process, put em both down for a grand total of about 60 cents and toss their carcasses into a pig pen.
At the same time, I don't understand how mothers continually put their minor children in situations where an unrelated male resides. Related males can be abusers too but unrelated males are the source of the worst statistics when it comes to sexual abuse. I'd rather be in a shelter with my child than move in with a random.
It says lot about our society today that you paint all men who would help a woman and her child as potential pedofiles. I understand why you do, but find it sad anyway.
It isn't a question of me painting all men as potential pedophiles, it's a recognition of facts and the acknowledgement that a mother, above all else, has to make decisions in the best interests of her children. A child with a biological mother who is living with a man who is not the child’s father is 33 times more likely to suffer abuse. Children living in households with unrelated adults are nearly 50 times as likely to die of inflicted injuries as children living with two biological parents. Children of single parents had 77 percent greater risk of being harmed by physical abuse than children living with both parents. To me, there is no choice. It is neglect, IMO for a woman to place a minor child in the same residence as an unrelated male. Ultimately, the situation WILL arise where the mother will end up leaving the minor in the care of that male. It is not worth the risk.
Of course not. There are always situations of higher risk. The mother in this case, was not married, not engaged, nor even dating the man she moved in with. Marrying someone doesn't guarantee that abuse won't occur but moving in with a man in order to alleviate financial stress is not worth the risk to a child. A woman can choose to stay single until their children are legal adults. Doesn't mean they can't have a life but certainly it removes the possibility that a man will lay hands. Date but don't live with. Or, if a woman chooses to get married, spend time getting to know the person, research to see if they have any legal record or prior incidents, and make sure it isn't because of financial security that they are getting married. Ultimately, if there is a hierarchy, a child's safety and well-being should always come before personal happiness. That's just me.
These are the alarming statistics, not that she would choose to avoid becoming one. I get her point but wow, sad is not the word. These are children for crying out loud. I think this is where @el005639 finds his case, I know I would never hurt a child regardless of relation and I'm sure he and @Bengal B and a host of others are in the same boat. I have found countless children wandering lost in the store, amusement parks and what not. Always take care of them and get them to employees or police and stay until the parents get there. If the mom is hot, well then, that is another entirely different set of circumstances but I'd never hurt a child ever.