Meanwhile in Florida

Discussion in 'New Roundtable' started by shane0911, Sep 3, 2015.

  1. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    I don't see anything wrong with what you're doing and it's not what I meant by carry. Having guns at home on Ina ar is strictly defensive (though a car is riskier) I'm talking about people who carry on their person in public places either open or concealed. Having easy access to a weapon in public lowers the threshold to misuse IMO. Trained police have trouble making the correct decisions. Too often the adrenaline or buck fever take over and they make poor decisions or can't shoot straight. A civilian who spends less time in practice and preparation is much more dangerous. Again IMO.
    sunnyjim likes this.
  2. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    It's not an opinion it's about as close to a fact as can get.

    This is not me being an Internet tough guy because that isn't what I am but to point a gun at someone and pull the trigger is a life changing event (for most). There have been studies and I can't quote the number but it is extremely high, like north of 65% of people in Vietnam never fired their weapons. Think about that, you are in a war where your enemy is willing, capable, and has demonstrated that they will do unspeakable things to you and yet still 65% or more couldn't find the will to pull the trigger.

    I think this speaks to more of a human nature type of thing in that to take a life is like I said, life changing. It also depends heavily on the situation and regardless of what anyone "says" you never know until you are there and fight or flight takes over.

    That said, I didn't read the article but by looking at what others have posted it seems the dad was an idiot and has now paid the ultimate price. I'm truly sorry for him but he should have known better.

    Friends of mine back in New Iberia had twin boys and we're out duck hunting one morning and one twin accidentally shot the other in the face. Like I said, life changing. Good family, good people, safe and sound but it was an accident. We're the boy's too young to be hunting? Could be, probably, nothing can be done about it now. Just have to be more careful.
    Winston1 likes this.
  3. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    By "there" I mean each specific situation not any particular place on a map. Like tiga's having a gun for every drawer and shelf, never know till it's geaux time.
  4. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    I didn't take it wrong. I was actually agreeing with you and said all that to say that I don't walk around with a "Dirty Harry" mentality.
  5. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    That's what I was talking about. I have no direct knowledge/experience. Like most people, I "feel" like, being in such a positions, I would do the obvious. I'm smart enough to know that imagining doing things in certain situations doesn't always play out that way when you're actually IN the situation. I agree with the life changing part too. I worry more about how I'd deal with it personally. No doubt I'd prefer it to be the thug than the family member but it's a fucked up situation either way if it results in loss of life. Even if it's the piece of shit thug, their families are affected. "They" always say, "But he was a good boy." haha
  6. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    Apparently you've never read the mamou based bourne series.
  7. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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  8. sunnyjim

    sunnyjim Founding Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    Or use an assault weapon for home defense. Shotguns and pistols will do that job better but a high-velocity jacketed round will go through a person, through a wall, and kill an innocent person next door. Soldiers know this. Joe Sixpack often doesn't.
  9. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Meh, assault rifles are usually lighter Cal weapons. I don't know if they make an AR-15 in a 30.06 nor why anyone would want one. The point being those light rounds are fast and will travel but won't go through walls and still have the velocity to do much damage. A .300 win mag will go through a small tree and still kill a deer.
  10. sunnyjim

    sunnyjim Founding Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    Opinions differ. But this test shows that a 5.56 round can go through five walls and still penetrate ballistic gelatin 6 inches. So can a 9mm.


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