I think just about every parent would feel and say the same. You have to look at facts. They are now saying it was likely closer to an 8 footer. There is sand on the bottom there with no way to get any traction whatsoever. A gator of that size can exert well over 1,000 lbs of bite pressure. No human on Earth is going to pry those jaws open. In the water, humans become less powerful and clumsy. A gator lives for the water. That tail alone gives them massive advantage. I have no doubt that the dad did everything humanly possible but at the end of the day, there was nothing anyone could do.
No doubt you are right but who would take the time to reason out all the angles while your child is being eaten
Yeah growing up in the bayou lots of company with gators if you care to hang with them. Point being is none of that matters just knowing a gator gets away with your kid you're never seeing either again. It's now or never so I'd prolly go down with it. You have to not let it our your sight or its done.
yeah i know some idiots growing up who did that just for fun. jack asses would pounce on them from in the boat and just hold on for a wild ride. if their kid was involved, no way they don't jump it.
When my wife was pg with my oldest, I told my dad that I had a plan for raising him. My dad smiled, and said when you have your first you think you know everything, then number two comes around and you think well I royally screwed up the first one but I know what I did wrong, by number 3 you realize you don't know anything and just enjoy the experience and try not to f it up too bad.
Yep and you know he's going to think back on that every single day wishing he could've have done more. There's no way not too. In reality though, the poor child was probably dead the second he went under water, because unless he was in shock, he was most likely crying, swallowed water and drowned. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't have given my life trying to save him, if it was my child.
unless you got a broken neck you aint dying that quickly. that kid took awhile to drown unfortunately.
Props to you shane. I had never realized that. When I say this one, I thought of your thread. http://insider.foxnews.com/2016/06/...stupid-she-was-arrested-leaving-child-hot-car