Happy New Year from the Sunshine State. First, woman pissed on cops http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/news-columns-blogs/deadline-miami/article53995175.html And the always popular ritual sacrifice of your child http://nypost.com/2016/01/10/child-killed-in-possible-ritualistic-sacrifice-in-florida/
Florida cop shows naked pictures of himself to waitress http://m.nwfdailynews.com/article/20160112/NEWS/160119860/16099/NEWS
It said unfortunately doctors were unable to save his genitals. I would say its fortunate they couldn't
hes facing charges once he comes to. bad wording on my part but you get the gist. the pit bull which destroyed his genitals in seconds when he attempted to have sex with the 4 yr old dog.
Florida man steals dog to trade for crack Man charged with stealing $1,600 dog, trading it for crack - AP wire - Waco Trib