Thats not my point, my point is conservatives rail on moral fiber of the country,especially the religious right they harp on what the bible says. But this is a direct contradiction to the argument of moral fiber. In the bible Jesus feed the hungry, gave sight to the blind, healed people, forgave people for sins and helped alot of folks. That fiber means they want policies that benefit them and put them first and everyone else can suck it. I guess being conservative nowadays means you can pick and choose what to be morally correct on. Im not advocating for socialism, cause I dont believe in long term welfare. Just trying to point out what inconsistencies I dont understand about conservatism.
This is why you won't see any "town hall" style debates. When McCain waxed Obama's azz, Obama and his supporters wouldn't be able to make any excuses.
MM, I think what he is trying to say is that he isn't down with people feeling sorry for themselves. I'm not either. Hell I'm about to walk away from the only thing I've known for the last 22 years and I'm scared as hell. I can tell you this though, I'm not running around with my hand out, nor am I plugging the unemployment office into mapquest. I'll go catch crawfish and sell them, or greet at wal mart, or catch swamp monsters. The point is, I'm not going to curl up in a ball in a dark corner and whine because some oil company CEO is flying his family to the bahamas on GS V. Good for him, hope they have a great time.
Oh know I totally understand that, I am just a bit more compassionate about kids starving and not being educated. 22 years is a long time, but I suspect you will do well, you have the intelligence.
My "corporate media" news is more credible than your damn blogs sites, who by the way get their news from the same places I get my news. Only difference is I make my own opinions on what I read, directly from the new source. Not from some guy, locked in his basement, that swears the world is out to get him. By the looks of it, he gets his opinions from Kieth Oberman, who is about as liberal as they come. Now tell me, doesn't Kieth Oberman work for NBC, one of those evil corporations? Rex, I'm sure you're a cool dude, but never bring that weak, corporate-media, everyone-is-out-to-screw-me, look-at-what-this-blog-just-said crap to me. It not only makes you seem uninformed and naive, because you're literally reading someone's opinion and getting your "facts" from it, it makes you sound hypocritical. Hypocritical you ask? Yes, basically by linking us to the Jed report, a very liberal and one-sided blog as I've come to find out by reading through his archives, you're also taking to strong liberal, one-sided stance against McCain, on this issue. However, since I get my news from "corporate media" you're basically blaming me for being one-sided. Who's "truth", mine or yours has more truth? Your truth from a one-side blogger, or my truth from multiple credited news outlets? Long story short Rex, EVERYTHING is a 2-way street nowadays. For every anti-McCain or anti-Obama thing you might find, I bet I can find just as many "facts" that beg to differ.
So you don't mind those who benefit from ill-gotten gains? I'm not saying all rich folks are evil and that they've all stolen their dollars, but I think it is naive to believe that there aren't a number of upity-ups that abuse the public system's shortcomings for the gain of a private entity. I think what some of these upity-ups do is far more deserving of severe punishment than the unsavory actions of low level street thugs (depending, of course, on the offense).
ahhh but therin lies the moral delima? Who is doing what and how? Sure, every apple cart has a percentage of bad ones and I'm not against seeing them get the justice they are due. Its a slippery slope and the blades are sharp on both sides.
Easy Easy. I just said that worldnet is know for their inaccuracies. And yes corporate media has some to not to mention their own bias. Just because something is written in a blog doesn't make it any less worthy than a corporate media opinion peace. Take it how you want. McCain was not in the cone of silence that he agreed to. Simply what I pointed out.
Conservatives are much more generous than Liberals.