I ain't gonna tell you what to post or not. Feel free to use it because I really do believe in free speech. I also believe in people having a reaction to that free speech. At least a part of my reaction where Ivanka is concerned is that the word was applied in reaction to Ivanka posting this photo... So in future years, her son will see that photo of his momma and himself and know that a person on TV, with support of management, called his momma a cunt. And President Trump has nothing to do with any of it.
There was. It was years ago. I played in a co-ed slow pitch league. The games were put on video and you could go to the local pizza place after to watch your game. The games were viewable for 2 hours and then erased.
You forgot the illustrious Sheila Jackson Lee of Houston in that group. She can make Maxine look smart sometimes.
I respect you and your opinion though so if that word offends you I think it’s my responsibility as a good person not to use it. And I’m sure that her child will be ok, while it’s doing Scrooge McDuck money swim every day, what some pleb said on the internet or what a comedian said won’t make much of a difference to him.
You don't really think she's gong to be out there bullying anyone? No, she just gives the orders to her sheep.
Add her to the bunch. And I'm willing to give Waters one IQ point just for managing to stay on the public payroll for 45 fucking years. Bitch been scamming the taxpayers for 45 years! The last 28 have been in Washington. A total disgrace and a prime example of why we need term limits.