Matt Flynn will start next season...

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by USNavyTiger, Feb 3, 2006.

  1. CParso

    CParso Founding Member

  2. dimestorecowboy

    dimestorecowboy Founding Member

    Now we maybe getting to something here now !!! Just what is the starting Quarterback supposed to look like ?? And would a WHITE quarterback tear the team apart ?? I think that Flynn is the best as of now the mouth we do not even know if he can play SEC football , JR well he is fun to watch until he throws the ball to the other team , and he will you know and so do i . So please tell me what is the Quarterback expected to look like ?? Is it like the Mayor of New Orleans is saying . You tell me !!
  3. msully

    msully Founding Member

    Dimestore I do not care what he (The QB ) looks like just as long as he is a winner , if he is a winner then the team will win !!! At 59 I could probably be a winner with the talent that is on this team . This team should be a National Contender, this team is the team we were looking for all year he can even look like the mayor all he has to do is just win !!
  4. TCUTiger

    TCUTiger Founding Member

    If they want consistency as the ultimate deciding factor, Flynn gets the nod.

    I never knew what would happen with JR...............and everything did.:geauxtige
  5. Lil Jules

    Lil Jules Founding Member

    How can you possibly say that Flynn will more consistent when he's started only one game? Everything did? By everything do you mean JR led us to a 10-2 record and had the 2nd or 3rd highest QB rating in the SEC?

    I'm not trying to pick sides. I love Matt Flynn. However, I can't believe how quickly people are turning on JR because he had ONE bad game against Georgia and Flynn had ONE good game against Miami. Let them fight it out in the fall. I guess we can't count RP out either. We'll see. Let the best man win, and let's try to show them all the respect they deserve for coming to the best university in the nation!:geauxtige LSU! :lsup:
  6. sassylsufan2002

    sassylsufan2002 Founding Member

    we're always wondering if the athletes read the threads on this forum....with some of the negativity against some of the players, I hope not.
  7. ccgw

    ccgw luv'em Tigers

    I don't know if it is a good or bad thing for the athletes to read the threads. However, fans' sentiment is all part of the package when you are in such a high profile spectator sport, whether you like it or not. There will always be the loyal as well as fair weather fans; the sophisticated and the think-they-know-it-all fans. I think the athletes have got to learn to be thick skinned to deal with the negativities.
    Indica Strains
  8. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    I play golf with a teacher from Breaux Bridge. He told me that their Junior (next year) QB (his name escapes me at the moment), who will be everybody's all america by his senior year, frequents Dandy Don and Tiger Droppings.
  9. CParso

    CParso Founding Member

    who cares what color he is?
  10. olVENICEdog

    olVENICEdog Founding Member

    stand down son I SAID STAND DOWN SON. Its gonna be ok, I checked w/the pentagon and it was confirmed as of 1300 hours that Mathew Eugene Flynn of Louisiana State University was named starting QB for the 06 season, due to injuries and a lack of leg strength to the previous starter and inexperience from the third stringer.

    Sir what will happen to Russ sir?

    He will be moved to third string behind RP.

    Sir that’s not fair sir.

    DO YOU THINK THE PENTAGON CARES ABOUT FAIR? They know Russ will not transfer. The pentagon wants to keep young RP happy. My hands are tied solder. I get my orders from above just like you. This case is closed. I expect you to show Mr. Flynn the same respect that you showed MR. Russell. And if you want to stick around I suggest that you keep your nose out of the commanders business and concentrate on your own. DISMISED.
    :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa :usaflagwa

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