Or does the jock's physical and emotional abuse cause the dorks to snap later in life. Makes you wonder.:yelwink2:
I work at UNO and I don't want any of the faculty I know owning a gun much less brining it to class. PHD + Gun = No Good.
Looks like other nuts are taking advantage of the VT situation. Two schools in Southeast Louisiana locked down. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070417/ap_on_re_us/university_bomb_threat
Re: 1 dead, 17 shot in Virginia Tech shooting I wathced that video. Very eery knowing people were probably dying every time one of those gunshots was heard. I now wish I wouldn't have watched it.
Or jerks trying to get out of exams. They've gone beyond fire alarms to bomb threats, but if they get caught now . . .
Against my better judgement..... Actually, when things like this happen, it seem to me like it's a tie who can get their statement out faster.... the Libs saying we need more gun control or the NRA backers saying it ain't the guns. Both show little sensitivity to the actual event. You would think they could both wait at least 30 minutes.
Agreed!!! That is why I say this is not a political issue!! This is a sanity issue! I have stopped watching the news for this reason alone. I have seen that shooters face WAY TO MANY TIMES!!! Whatever...he is nuts...he is dead...lets deal with the families and friends and go on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway we all know I am bitter anyway!
Looks like I've got another team to cheer for this fall. Already ordered my shirt from eBay for Hokie Hope this Friday.