Benjamin Franklin "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." i don't think we can guard against a lone crazy person....
You have to go into your profile. I saved the directions in "My documents" on my computer at home. I will pm you with it when I'm at home but may be tomm. if that's o.k. cause one of my daughters has pitching practice and the other has a game tonight so I may not be on.
I posted but there's really not much to say in this situation. I have no idea what I would do if I lost someone this way or was confronted by a mad gunman... But if there were a shooting on LSU's campus and two people were killed I'd like the students and faculty to be notified and campus locked down and classes canceled.
well, speaking as someone who was more of a jock than a dork; i don't think that generalization can be made. i think jocks are more readily accepted and therefore get out their aggression on the field or commit crimes on a lesser scale (bar fights, assault, etc.) dorks, as you say, are not as usually accepted as much and are therefore usually quieter and repress alot of their feelings instead getting them out. this leads to a breaking point but there are alot of examples (rae carruth, OJ, etc) of athletes snapping. but if by your comments you are comparing this korean guy to the shooters at columbine, you probably wouldn't be too far off.
Nobody here is screaming for gun control. What are you raving about? What we need is control of nutjobs. They can't afford not to, now. You don't understand college professors very well, I think. They would never go for it and it doesn't make sense, anyway. Its the police's job and they have the specialized training. The dense population on a college campus requires lots of cops to properly protect it.