You just can't wait to get him out of there so the next socialist marxist you libtards elect can take money from others and give it to you. Get out of the wagon and help pull the wagon we are tired of carrying guys like you.
Trump cheated on Melania with Stormy Daniels. The family values side of the political spectrum only cares about family values when democrats do this type of shit. But that being said, democrats only care about it when a Republican is doing too so fuck it.
MAGA make America golf again. While other presidents followed through with acts of civic duty on MLK day. Trump played golf. I guess his act of civic duty was not being anywhere near Washington. Let’s be honest anyone think this dude has ever really worked a day in his life? Like real work. Probably not.
If you were worth Billions would you? Though it is comical you think he hasn’t worked a day in his life. He has already done more than Obama TBH.