there is nothing that can be done to anyone, and obama didnt do anything wrong. scotland is stupid, and thats all there is to it. cant punish britain, cant do anything.
Well, I had a thought.....since they sent this guy home to die anyway, perhaps POTUS could send someone from the CIA with "special talents" over there to speed up the process, but that would have to be kept secret. We'd get no satisfaction out of it.
No, this is all a diplomacy issue. There is some give an take between Britain and Libya going on here. The Reagan bombing of Tripoli, the Gulf of Sidra incidents with the Navy, the Lockerbie embarrassment and especially the trade sanctions have hurt Libya and cost them much international respect. Qadaffi has made a number of surprising moves in recent years trying to disassociate Libya from islamist radicals, renouncing their nuclear programs, renouncing terrorism, giving up the Lockerbie bombers for trial, staying out of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, and acting as a moderating influence during the Gulf War. It hasn't bought them much and they still aren't trusted by the west. Many sanctions remain. But Libya has been seriously kissing some Western ass for about 10 years now. They want to parley their oil wealth into rising above third-world status and they need cooperation from us to do it. I don't think they intend to achieve this by alienating the new US president. They are just working on the Europeans first.
that pretty well sums up my feelings. especially the scotland is stupid part. that was just a dumb **** move.
I find my self agreeing with Red two days in a row. What the hell is wrong with me. However, Gaddafi did send his personal private jet to get the piece of **** and i think his son Hannibal Gaddafi was on the jet.
isnt this agreeing with me? scotland is stupid, and there is nothing obama could or should do about it. and if you are saying libya wants to change their reputation, then do you think their leaders were like "dang, we made asses of ourselves there at the airport terrorist reception for that guy"
In a way. Well, we don't know what deal was cut. If some British prisoner is released for "humanitarian reasons" somewhere in the middle east . . . then we'll know. Like Peter Moore being held captive by Shiites in Iraq. No it was carefully balanced to neither appear like a heroes welcome to Western viewers with bands, confetti, a grand speech and a parade, nor appear like he was shipped in like as a parcel, for domestic consumption.