Not any of the ones I've ever been to and that's quite a few. These other college all seem to have great internet feeds for the baseball and basketball games and they are all free. LSu's stinks, why can these other programs offer good quality for free?
I really believe like Tirk that LSU will be limiting access to many potential fans of LSU, not so much recruits, but it can effect them. Any kid that does not live in the LSU broadcast area that wants to listen to a football, baseball or basketball game will be encouraged to support another team maybe. I've been a giant LSU fans and a big reason is that I listended to many a game on the radio in all 3 sports when I was younger, esepcially football and basketball, visualizing Pistol making behind the back passes and such. My father was never a Tiger fan and he would not have paid a penny to LSU for me to listen to games. I'd also be willing to bet that many a future baseball prospect listens to LSU games via the internet, think their parents would spring for the fee for all of their favorite schools. I doubt it.
thats my experience as well. scrappy simply made that up. its untrue. LSU should offer audio broadcasts for free. local radio is free and so should this.
I will be at ALL of them thank you very much! And... To say that this is a recruiting tool?? Come on! I doubt that a kid will listen to computer audio when it comes to basing his decision on where to spend his next 4 years
No noe is saying that I don't believe, but I woyld be willing to bet that many a basketball player/fan and baseball player/fan listens to games on the net while they are in high school or younger. What Tirk and I were both trying to say is that any and all good exposure is good for the school, the programs, the fanbase, etc. Well, Im guessing that is what Tirk is trying to say.
I understand now... And yeah... I do agree... it does give the school a bigger name to a broader number of people...
i expect to be able to see most of the games on either my comcast cable or my friend's direct tv, but if i am forced to pay for the video i will do it. i dont like paying for audio though. maybe yahoo will broadcast some games or something. paying for the audio seems like a bit much.
its a bad idea regardless. video is another thing. bandwith for such is much more and there has to be pay for such. audio should be free. I mean even a regular dude like brett can run a volunteer contribution site such as this then LSU can offer audio broadcasts. this doesnt affect me but i still hate it.