LSU's Vertically Challenged Passing Attack

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by ramah, Nov 18, 2005.

  1. 65Grad

    65Grad Maturity is Overrated

    Feb 5, 2003
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    Is it just me or does it seem to others that when ramah offers up his unsupportable "opinions" and then has to face a logical and well thought out rebuttal that he cannot make any type of convincing arguement against he simply "dismisses" it like that will give his "opinion" credibilty.:confused:
  2. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    Bingo!!!!!!!!!! His strategy is explained in his new book: "How I learned to Crawfish and Other Secrets of a Football Idiot" by Ramah Noodle, available at hard up bookstores. :wink:
  3. Ch0sn0ne

    Ch0sn0ne At the Track

    Oct 25, 2002
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    I don't care who posted this thread or how bad his rep is, but some of this is correct.

    Throw all the percentages and numbers out the damn window.

    Verticle passing is what we have Won games with all season long. I think the complaint should be that had we used it more often, 80% of the Baton Rouge heart conditions would be cured.

    We only use it when we have no choice, not when we have an opportunity to rip out hearts and put games away early.

    Just for the record, Last week was much better playcalling in the third quarter especially.
  4. CParso

    CParso Founding Member

    Jan 20, 2004
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    I agree for the most part. The coaches have kept the plays conservative except when forced not to. We probably disagree about why this is so.

    I don't believe that using that philosophy would have put away all (or maybe not even most) of the games as opposed to having close calls. For instance, the philosophy lost us the Tennessee game. If JaMarcus doesn't throw that interception, LSU wins regardless of how much better Tennessee played the 2nd half. Through ball control & conservative play LSU limited the other teams ability to prey on the lack of execution by our offense.

    I also believe that better execution by our players brings this whole argument to a halt.
  5. Ch0sn0ne

    Ch0sn0ne At the Track

    Oct 25, 2002
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    Well CParso, it seems that even when we agree on something, we really don't. And that is fine. If nobody disagreed about football, newspapers and cable TV would be cheaper because there would be no such thing as a sports section or ESPN.

    Let me just make this last point and I will leave this subject alone until..... well the next time it crosses my mind.:grin:

    If points did not matter, and games were won on coaching only, we would not be Bowl eligible. The reason for this is simple. Everytime we have had a close game, adlibbed plays or just pure athletic ability have won the games for us. Not one time this season has a coaching decision won us a football game, yet coaching decisions did lose us one.

    I, Like 99% of the members of this forum, am a LSU homer. But I am a homer for the team, not the coach. The coach get paid the big bucks for a reason, He and his staff have to earn respect. The only one that has earned my respect for gameplan this season is Pelini. And I was ready to hang him after the first two games of the season.

    The reason is because in this world conservitive people are losers. In life, in football, in baseball, in basketball, in everything conservitive = loser.

    Playing not to lose is embarrassing. This is not 1950's basketball where there is no shot clock and the team with the best dribblers wins. This is SEC football. A league that prides itself on being the hardest hitting, fastest, best conference in all of football. To get throught his league unbeaten and to be considered amoung the NCAA's best you have to take chances, leave it all out on the field, and utilize all of your tools to dominate ball games. Because as we have all seen over the years, the worst SEC team, is still a pretty damn good football team and can sometimes steal a game away from a much higher tier conference opponent.

    Now before you start building your arguement that we are ranked number 3 in the nation and one win away from the SEC championship, think about how we got here. Just a clue 21 of them will be honored before tomorrows game, and the biggest reason is JR, who just refuses to let us lose a game he has any control over.

    When we win tomorrow everyone can say that this was definitely a players championship.

    All that being said, I am very happy about where we sit right now. And I do see things getting better. That is all I ask of the coach, to improve and adjust. I think that is happening and eventually I think Miles is gonna do a good job now that it appears he has figured out that this is not Ok ST.

    Pelini, IMO, deserves a helmet sticker for figuring this league out early like he did. Miles is gonna be fine and I am pretty confident about that.
  6. ramah

    ramah Founding Member

    Sep 13, 2001
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    Thanks for noticing, I was beginning to think I was the only one around here watching reality bite LSU's ass every week.

    Sadly, you had to wait until the third quarter and Early's big catch until it was salted away ...

    And when the score was 23-0 ... you all still had that Tennessee comeback lurking in your minds ... "like a turd in the punchbowl" ... whether you'll admit to it or not.

    That score, 23-0, should have been reached in the second quarter!

    I think ... psychologically speaking, JR is afraid of Flynn because he has a much better grasp of LSU's system (always had from Jump Street) and JR, unbeknownst to his own "conscious" mind, plays poorly early to limit Flynn's playing time. Miles says he's happy to have two "excellent" or "outstanding" QBs in his program. So am I.

    I want to see Flynn with some 2nd Quarter PT as well as 4th Quarter. He will have had the advantage of watching how Arkansas is defending LSU's WR corp ... who's open ... and who's likely to catch another TD pass when he comes in. Just more points on the scoreboard for LSU!
    I want to see Flynn
  7. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    I guess I really don't seems that some of you are really saying if the Tigers score 60 a game then somehow they are validated in your mind; that somehow they are worthy of your adulation since everyone bows and scrapes and is generally amazed at your football acumen. Sometimes I think the "sky is falling" posters live vicariously through the Tigers and their outlook on life and sense of self worth is determined by what happens on Saturdays in the fall. If the game isn't "put away" by the 3rd quarter then "LSU hasn't lived up to its potential" or the coaches just don't understand the SEC, or some other such garbage; all the while acknowledging that even the worst SEC team is capable of beating anyone on any given Saturday.
    Some posters insinuate that not even one coaching decision has won any game this year.....not one. Am I the only one who thinks this is easily one of the silliest statements ever uttered? To believe this is to believe that somehow our coaching staff takes the Tigers out of a box, lines them up, flips the switch, sits back with a Jack & Coke and mumbles, "OK boys, play not to lose!" while the Seniors audible every play, diagramming the altered play in the dust.
    Other posters have gone so far as to theorize that our starting QB is deliberately playing poorly, as to limit the opportunities for Flynn....WTF??? Have you ever played the game????????? How foolish to think could anyone put forth such a notion is beyond me.
    From the tone of the Chicken Little crowd one easliy gets the sense that even though the sun is shining.....ITS GONNA RAIN ONE DAY, JUST WAIT AND SEE!!
    # 3 in the nation....soon to be SEC West Champions, then a trip to Atlanta to play for the SEC championship......defeating Alabama, Auburn, Florida.... 8 consecutive victories with no bye week (other than Katrina related) one of only 5 teams in the nation with a chance to play for the national championship.........Damn, imagine if we had a coaching staff! :geauxtige
  8. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Easily, the best post I've ever read.:thumb: It's somewhat ironic that the dumbest post ever was in the same thread.

    The attempt to rationalize immature fandom by ChOsnOne underscores how little they "get" what this sport is all about. I suggest guys like him jump on the USC bandwagon until the wheels wobble, then jump off and find the next "team du jour". Obviously, you just don't get all!
  9. Ch0sn0ne

    Ch0sn0ne At the Track

    Oct 25, 2002
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    LOL. Well a little exagerated but that about sums it up, only you are missing the whole picture thing.

    I am not worried about the coaching in these last three games because of our team. The thing that maybe no one has pointed out yet and I guess some people see and some do not is next year. We didn't just hire Miles and Co for the season. They are going to be here for a while. If they coach the same next year, we will be in big trouble.

    Look at everything we a losing. Tons of experience on the lines of both sides of the ball will be gone, along with two runningbacks, a gamebreaking receiver/returner, our starting corner, and linebacker. ANd I'd say that there is about a 50/50 chance Landry goes early.

    No way in hell we can sit on the football and win games next year, especially early in the season.

    **The thing about Russell playing poorly so Flynn can't come in?????? That is just plain stupid.:dis:
  10. TigerWins

    TigerWins Founding Member

    Sep 15, 2003
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    We've been saying that all year long, then we go out and beat Florida, Auburn, Bama, etc. We continue to win.

    I've stated my opinion about our conservative passing game, but I think it's foolish to continue to harp on it while we are sitting at 9-1 and 1 win away from the SECCG.

    Nobody can predict what will happen next year...

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