It's hard to go there without the set schedules and the rain outs. Last year we wasted a lot of time traveling. Maybe if the weather forecast are good I'll try it again.
I absolutely agree. Good fans are like good people . . . we try to improve ourselves and make ourselves better people and better fans. People have to be able to analyze themselves critically, if they are going to improve. Same goes for fans. A fan who is complaining and being negative after losses without posting after a win should look within themselves to figure out why they are doing this. If they can't come up with a good reason, then they know that they've got to work on being more positive. I don't know whether our baseball team can perform up to this year's expectations or not. However, I'm not going to let that stop me from heartily praising our baseball team for winning two in a row against a good Ole Miss team this weekend. The team needs encouragement from the fans right about now. OK, TEAM, NOW GO OUT AND SWEEP THE HOGS! WE OWE THEM A SWEEP IN THEIR HOUSE, SINCE THEY DID JUST THAT TO US LAST YEAR! :tigbas:
Judas Priest, I've never seen so many people get worked up over one lousy word in a post. Guys...I was referring to Ole Miss as "mediocre" based on their record, OK? And like everybody else, I'm hoping that this series win signals a turnaround for this team. I saw some things this weekend that give me hope that they will turn it around. But you've got to be's not like we went in and swept 3 from Texas at Disch-Falk. Enjoy it, hope for the best from it, but recognize it for what it is.
You are forgetting that fans of LSU Baseball expect wins. They expect 2 of 3 every series, hosting a SR, and a trip to Omaha every year. 5 NC's in 10 years and being the nation's leader in baseball attendance brings that on. Fulfilling these expectations gets nobody excited. Failing to meet them darn sure does. I thought you were old and wise enough to understand that. I wish we could all accept mediocrity as well as your eminence.
thats right, because that's the way its supposed to be. we've been knocking off SEC foes week in and week out for years. thats what we're supposed to do. thats just what dynasties do. we're not supposed to get beaten down 3 weekends in a row. did you get all excited and make a 10-page thread when the football team trounced arkansas st. last year?
G-Mann, I was just asking what you thought, didn't have my drawers all tied in a knot or anything. Of course after reading your reply I'm thinking you meant a mediocre or below average SEC team, which could be very true. Of course pretty much all of the SEC schools are average in the SEC, where parity is ruling. And I agree, one win, which is the diference bewteen winning a series and losing it, shouldn't get anybody real excited yet. We still have a long ways to go in order to make the SEC tourney. Hopefully though our bats will stay alive.
My comments were absolutely not directed towards you or your comments at all . . . I was merely making a general comment. Actaully, I have not been keeping book on your comments with regard to their negativism or positivism. :thumb:
I thought the crowd was pretty anemic. After Harris' solo to tie the game, I expected the crowd to be more into the game... all of those Ks are pretty boring to sit through too though. I'm not much a fan of pitching duels, but it was a good game. For the first time in a VERY long time LSU actually got hits when they absolutely needed them--with guys on base!