I sat through the second half of OU/FSU with the volume off. Got sick of mushburger's love affair with Stoops and his 'number one team in ALL THE LAND' crap. I don't know how many times he used the phrase but it almost matched his 'Herbie-this' and 'Herbie-thats'. My guess is that Herbstreet starts havin nightmares about every Wednesday, maybe earlier for the real big games. Rippin off his tie and chokin the dogchit out of the idiot on national tv. Talk about justified homicide.
I hear you loud and clear. I've also had it with CBS' Lundquist and Daniels. i just want to choke those guys. Even watching the FUUT game yesterday was almost more than I could bear with those two.
Lundquist needs to be in a home somewhere and Daniels is the biggest doucher on TV. Boot em both. :thumb: