Katz, Rhymes, the Boss, Ibarra, Jones.... combined they have: 391 hits -- more than 15 teams in Div 1 baseball 72 doubles -- more than 48 teams in Div 1 baseball 10 triples -- more than 116 teams in Div 1 baseball 36 home runs -- more than 249 teams in Div 1 baseball 6.1 hits per game 3.64 RBI per game 3.64 runs per game 1 home run every 1.8 games (more per game than 231 teams in Div 1)
This exchange from a couple Tiger fans made me chuckle: Watching MLB Network right now and apparently we're facing Roger Clemens tomorrow night Hard thrower that's pharmaceutically enhanced? Yeah that's about right.
My favorite comment i read on Eades: We need 3 more wins from you Ryan.... just 3 more and you can sail off into the LSU Tiger sunset
OU's other ace, Overton, went #63 in the Draft, the 2nd-highest LHP drafted of the 16 Super Regional teams behind Vandy's Ziomek who went at #58 they were both in the Top 6 NCAA LHPs that went in the draft. The 4th one taken, Mizzou's Zastryzny (taken #41 overall) is the only one we faced, and he shut us down good
Kendall Rogers of Perfect Game admits he's a big fan of Big Katz... Kendall Rogers @KendallRogersPG 1h #LSU's Mason Katz goes to the @Cardinals in fourth round. Had a few scouts tell me down here he was for sure 4th/5th round. Bingo. Big fan.