But I was under the impression that you still had to pay (even if you lived outside of Louisiana) to be able to watch it on Gameplan??? This is wrong?
Here is the exact wording from LSUsports.net "Residents in Louisiana can purchase TigerVision through their local cable television system or through The Dish Network or DirecTV. Cable customers are reminded that they must have digital cable capabilities to order the game." I have Direct TV, and according to this, I should be able to get the game right???? Well I called DTV and they tried to tell me all i need is the single day Gameday which cost like $10.99 or something. I know this is wrong. Has anyone sucessfully ordered in La through Direct Tv yet?? Thanks
Well they do sell the gameday crap by the day. But In La, you cannot get the game on the gameday pack. you have to buy the $34.95 tigervision. Unfortunately, nobody at DTV is smart enough to figure out how to order it.
thats because the gameday broadcast is blacked out here. you have to pay for tigervision for skip has endless pockets to fill.
Yeah I know, and I have no problem with doing so. I will not get off work Saturday until 6:30, so going to the game just won't work. The problem is it is available on Tigervision via DTV. But nobady at DTV can figure out how to order it for me. I called Sports info at LSU and confirmed that it was not blocked out on DTV IF you pay the $34.95. This sucks.