People will feel the way they feel...I don't want to change that. I do wish I could change the fact that so many people people don't even realize why they come to such thoughts. They've been trained by those who are in a position to form public opinion to automatically say: "ohhh..thats B...A...D!!" (Yet they sit at home and beg for more of it on their TV) This whole issue of what is Poltically Correct/Socially Acceptable serves a useful role in today's world. But it should be used more selectively as a criteria for judgement. -Dumping over a porta-potty with a UGA fan? Socially unacceptable... -Using racial slurs? politically incorrect and socially unacceptable... -Wearing a crotch grab shirt while tailgating? Doesn't deserve qualification... My point, I guess, is that people need to loosen up before they act so quickly to deem something inappropriate. Something such as the shirt, made in good fun, however obscene it is, should only be taken lightly. Alot of people would be much happier individuals if they would just loosen up a little!
Slow down chief, he asked for opinions and got 'em. I'm not offended in the least, but still noted that I would prefer more kid-friendly stuff. Just based on what I like to see around kids, not b/c I'm offended. Not speaking for anyone else...but I generally agree w/ your points. They just don't always apply to this thread, IMO.
Thanks for ur response...I respect that you care about what the children are being exposed to, as that, to me is as good a reason for opposition as any I have heard. However, I still don't see the real harm such a shirt would cause to the children. Perhaps that is my fault, but I just don't see it. I hate being called 'chief'. I did say in the beginning of my post that i was not attacking the fact that they responded to the request...I wasn't "firing back"...but was questioning why they felt the way they did....(see opening remarks): I realize that not all the points I made will serve a purpose to everyone involved in the thread, and I surely hate to sound too serious discussing this topic. It is hard to decipher one's tone via a message board, but I assure you I am not as concerned/wound-up as it may appear. Only curious as to people's reasoning. I am just surprised at the lack of acceptence over such a harmless design, and thought that if I was going to comment on it, that I ought to be as thorough as possible so as to avoid the 'message board' confusion that usually emerges in such debates, and to paint a clear picture of the reasoning behind my objections. Maybe it made somebody reconsider their opinion, but if it didn't - I hold no hard feelings towards that person...only request explanations, if they so please to give them.
Are you "offended" when you are called "chief"? I reiterate, as a woman, I would prefer to not have to see guys grabbing their crotches, in person or on a shirt. It's gross. As the mother of two daughters, I would prefer that they don't have to watch it, either. That's why I felt it was offensive. Aren't we allowed to voice our opinions here? Especially when asked for them specifically?
I don't think you've thought this through. Why do people put an image like this one on a shirt? They do it precisely b/c other people will get offended by it. Public perception and reaction to the shirt is, in fact, the very reason for its existence. So the goal is to "offend," or at least get noticed, by other people. That being said, its equally obvious that there is some limit to how much "offensiveness" or controversy the shirt-wearers find acceptable. Its understood that a shirt can go "too far," and that was the entire purpose of the thread - to guage public opinion on the shirt. Clearly you don't find the shirt offensive at all and think everybody should just relax. That's fine, but simply stating that like its a fact is incredibly myopic. You can't just say "what's the big deal?" because its not just another LSU shirt. Its designed to at least make you laugh (if not piss you off) and that aspect of it is the whole point - otherwise is just another purple and gold T-shirt. If you don't recognize that I don't think you understand the motivation behind the shirt. The people wearing it KNOW its going to stir some people up. If everybody looked at it and barely noticed, it wouldn't get made. People's reaction to the shirt will vary widely, and validly so. But the bottom line is that people will react to it in some fashion, and you know it. So don't be so incredulous when people express opposition. If you endorse a shirt that begs for a reaction, you can't dictate what that reaction should be.
you are all making sense here and I agree with some of it... But ya'll are still getting me wrong by thinking that I am attacking you for giving your opinion, which I am not. And I don't think any less of the people who said they hated it. As a matter of fact if I saw anyone of the people who said they were against the shirt on the side of the road and broken down, I'd pull over and help them! Ya'll need to learn not to take every argumentative post that you see as being an angry, aggressive one. I am as calm as can be while talking to you all, and you shouldn't percieve my tone as an unfriendly one. So- I am not attacking the opinion givers, rather I am questioning the actual opinion itself. I could care less about whether you like the shirt or not. I could care less about the shirt, myself. I do care about knowing how anybody could actually be offended by it however... I know the shirt is made to get a reaction...However I refute that it is made to anger people. It is made to be stir anti-tubberville sentiment...not to insult the very people it may cross paths with. It is made to poke fun at tubberville, and includes an only slightly obscene image of somebody grabbing their crotch. Maybe its a little risque, So I can agree with that fact. Stacey -- I totally respect that it would be wrong for you and your daughters to be approached by real people who were grabbing their crotches. I wouldn't want my mom or my sister to face that either. On the other hand, both of them are huge LSU fans....and I know for a fact, because they have told me to my face, that they are not also offended by a shirt. My sister told me to get her one, and my mom thought it was hilarious!
I think that for we should show better values than the WWE. The game and activities berfore are for people of all ages and should be able to be enjoyed by people of all ages. I think most of the reply's here are saying have fun with your shirt but think about everyone when making the design. But on a side note don't you think the cigar deal is a little long in the tooth. And I can't believe you actually want tubby to perform this activity so why would you say it? He won't even see the shirt so why not make one that would rally the fans and supprot the team.
I think it's great. I think all of you guys should wear them to the game...fits perfectly! I mean, it's not like you guys are obsessed with the national coach of the year or anything, right? :thumb:
I don't want this to devolve into an LSU/Auburn hate fest, but for the record, please understand that nobody wants your coach. Without regard to all the bad blood, past incidents, etc. we still think he's pretty much a mediocre coach. Yes, you had a fantastic season (and should be congratulated) but the miraculous return of two senior running backs, and the even more miraculous transformation of the disaster that was Jason Campbell has a lot to do with why you went undefeated. Don't get all puffed up about Tubby's Coach of the Year award - he got it in large part because YOU TRIED TO FIRE HIM the year before. It was a feel-good story, sympathy award as much as anything else. So please get it through your head - Tubby is not a hot commodity. He's not a marquee guy that any top program wants. Auburn can keep him, and as an LSU fan I hope they do.