Your right BB, clearly my political beliefs kept me from seeing the clever and subtle humor of a guy grabbing his package in response to a four year old gesture by another team's coach. I will assume that you were simply attacking me for no good reason rather than giving the other poster constructive criticism, that he asked for. since when do blue state dudes care about decency and tastefulness? I guess now.
Welcome aboard! The next election is in 2008... Jonathan, I really like the Les Miles shirts - I want one.
Jroy, the comments were appropriate... you were asking for feedback and that is what the people gave you. As noted, maybe we should think about redesigning the shirt. I personally think its absolutely hilarious, but I can definately see why people could take it the wrong way and be offended. We can talk about it further. KOC RA :geauxtige
creative, and everyone has an opinion....does not bother me.... I like the les geaux miles.. nice job ..... :geauxtige
I liked the Les Geaux Miles shirt too...I typically hate that kinda make-a-phrase-outta-something-Cajun-type stuff, but that one just works too well! Also, the pics on your site are pretty good...this Alien dude w/ the CamelBak just cracks me up! :thumb::rofl:
Shouldn't ask for opinions if you may not like the responses. Personally, I think if you are going to be around 90,000 people are so I wouldn't wear anything I wouldn't want to wear when meeting my future mother in law for the first time. that's a good test I think. :hihi:
I'm not offended, but think it is silly at best. Not particullarly creative and certainly not child friendly. Not very funny and think you should scrap the idea and try again.
Nah, don't like it for myself. But hey good luck to ya hope you sell a million or so.....................