Here is the link to the actual rule. I was mistaken that it is 1 yard, not 3. But regardless, the florida player was within a yard of the neutral zone. It's on page two. under "leaping rule adjusted". Make sure you know the rules before you call "bull****" next time.
That was the only time in the history of college football that that penalty has been called. Well, I'd bet on it anyway.
Anyone think Chris Leak leaves early and tries to go pro after this season. I know he's said that he wants to stay all 4 years. With Urban Meyer's offense, he's not going to blossom and his draft stock will drop. Josh Portis is Urban's ideal QB to run his offense.
Chris leak is a decent College QB... but I dont see him playing in the NFL... dont see it happening...
He probably won't be a potential Pro Bowler QB or anything, but he could maybe get a chance to start or at least be on an NFL roster.