Snorton, weren't you supposed to have left us by now. I could of sworn you promised us that. You've been here a month and already have over 1000 posts. Life for sale, anyone?
man....i'm so sorry....i didn't realize how handicapped you were....i mean spelling eye with "i"....i understand are "ge" not "te".....gator instead of i-of the tiger (or whatever you spell)....we'll call you "tail of the gator" properly spelled....we feel your pain.... :sob: :sob: :sob:
Man, do you think they are going to start or move a AA baseball team to Baton Rouge just because LSU has a big enough stadium to hold them. Some of you guys have no clue. "Hey, LSU just built a big nice stadium, anyone need a AA team. Let's start one so we can rent out the Box and play there." C'mon!
Nolan Ryan is the owner of several minor league teams and last year explored the posiblity of putting a AA team in Baton Rouge if the city would build a stadium for it. BUILD IT AND THEY WILL COME
when you are there in midweek games with me you don't notice that empty ass stadium? looks bad cmon. you really think they need expansion? if so, we see something different.
Minor league baseball has been tried in BR before and it never has worked out. Hockey and arena ball have had more success. I'm not sure why. Shreveport and Alexandria have had minor league teams for decades. I'm sure the new stadium will be well-designed. Ideally it should have a covered grandstand big enough for LSU's average crowds, with additional bleacher seating having the capacity for an SEC tournament or a NCAA regional game.