The Harris Poll is out... we just don't know it yet. But it's been released to the BCS committee, which has set the matchups and notified the teams involved.
It appears to me that many news outlets that report LSU to the Sugar are basing it on the LA Times Report. The Advocate is not stating LSU is going to the Sugar but the Headline reads that LA Times is reporting early outcome. There's always the hope that in their rush to be the first to report - they got it wrong and it's all based on a bad source. Two minutes and it's killing me.
IF true, it's a bunch of phucking sh!t. Phuck ND and their sh!tty ass team. I hope we phucking rape the SH!T out of the puss ass Irish. F that, I'm pissed.
Yeah, this really sucks. We're going to a BCS Bowl. Damn, I'm really pissed. I was hoping for the Capital One Bowl. Come on, man. :dis: