I have the DVR on cable here in Austin. It's awesome. It only holds 50 hours though. I still have the NC game vs. Oklahoma saved on it. That isn't ever getting erased. What's cool about the DVR system with this cable, is that when you turn to a channel, as long as you keep it on that channel it will allow you to rewind back to the point in which you turned it to that channel. Pretty awesome, use the rewind button all the time.
yep, Tivo lets me rewind and fastforward live tv. I have one of the first Tivo machines as it only has 30 hours so you have 20 hours more than I! Tivo has a replay button also, you hit it and see a instant replay. BTW. I enjoyed Eye of the Tiger tonight, I decided to record it and put it on dvd because I've had Shaq's House on my hard drive forever. :thumb: That way I didn't waste a bunch of dvd space. I'm trying to clear off my hard drive so that I can reinstall windows soon.