they examined a couple of our players today for hand trauma, ie to see if they had been fighting. negatory on the results and cleared. certainly there would be swelling of the spine where specialists could tell if an injury was preexisting or current. plus you dont just go shrugging off fractured vertebrae. there'd be medical history that he'd been examined and/or treated. yeah i was cutting them some slack initially but i think theres a good chance any decent lawyer makes a mockery of them in court.
i still didnt get an answer from any of our resident attorneys. its not possible he can represent the fearsome foursome can he? they have conflicting interests, stories, etc to some degree. It seems he couldnt represent any of them if it goes to trial.
No matter what EXACTLY happened, I keep getting this feeling that Jordan Jefferson is going to be crucified. Hope I'm dead wrong.
Maybe in the media, but he'll be charged with 2nd Degree Battery, more than likely. He'll likely end up pleading down to simple battery and getting a fine, anger management and some community service. I really believe JJ is a good kid but it appears something pushed him over the edge here.
From what I have read and heard , a LSU player opened the truck door and pulled out the driver. That was the trip wire right there. If that stupid action didn't take place there would have been no fight. We would be busy bashing the resident ducks. The other three players got involved AFTER this one flopin moron pulled the driver out. I hate to come down on a player but opening that truck door and pulling that dude out is what caused the tragic chain of events to start. That player is lucky. Many people, including myself, have a handgun in their truck. That young man could be dead right now. Anyone on this forum with a handgun would shoot a 6'4-240lb drunk pissed dude that just slamed open your truck door and tried to pull you out. They could have walked away only if that one player wouldn't have opened the door. I will be watching to see if that ever comes out. That dude started a chain of events that has probably cost Jordon his college career. I doubt jj was the one to open the door of the truck. He has to be smarter than that.
Anyone stupid enough to push a truck through a crowd blowing his horn with his door unlocked has no respect for his paint job and panels much less his own ass.
You've made an excellent point, if this is how it all went down. Maybe the guy got out and ran his mouth. Maybe he did this while going towards someone and the fight started. Maybe not. Maybe he ran his mouth and someone pulled him out of his truck and whipped his tail. Who knows what really started it. Bhelm, Do you have anything you can share?