For me this is all real simple: 1.) We hear about LSU players being in a barfight. JJ and several others are implicated. 2.) One of the early rumors was that JJ kicked someone during the fight. 3.) JJ and 3 other players are interviewed by police with an attorney present at the police department. 4.) Investigators get a search warrant and seize 49 pairs of shoes from JJ's apartment and get a DNA sample. 5a.) The fight video comes out and low and behold, there is a tall black male who appears to kick a downed, defensless white male 2 times, Once in/around the back and then again near the face/head area. 5b.) And I swear I can hear someone saying "Jeff"-Jeff" in the audio. 6.) Then the police report comes out. One of the guys who got whooped and a female both claim that Jordan Jefferson kicked this guy in the face during the fight. At this point, I don't care who started what or who threw the first punch and Yes, I believe that is JJ doing the kicking in the video. I'm betting JJ gets arrested soon - Friday, and he probably won't play again for LSU for a long while, if ever again. This "barfight" went way, way too far, IMO. :crystal::geaux::crystal::geaux::crystal:
Not true. I'm all for watching a couple dudes beat the **** out of each other. But I can't get with that jump street mentality.
I'm not 100% sure that it was 4 of 4, either. If it were 4 on 4, why were the injuries all on one side? I haven't found a report anywhere that claims an LSU player sustained an injury during the fight. Not even a black eye.....
Broken neck Any thought to the possibility the cracked vertabrae alleged to have been received in the fight was a pre-existing condition? If there was only one guy on the ground having been kicked and he wasn't the one with the broken bones in his neck how did the guy get his neck broken? I'm not a doctor and didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night but I believe that it would take a substantial trama to the neck to crack some vertabrae. Just askin'.
oh, i love my tigers. i hate to see us with the negative publicity. we've dodged it for the most part in the past. i believe clm is a top notch person and i'm sure he will take the appropriate action, if it is needed. i wish i could, based on past life experiences, make myself believe what has been said for almost a week doesn't have merit. the focus hasn't changed. there were a lot of people around. search warrants. i'm going to admit, i don't live in louisiana. i live in texas. i've tried to keep up with what is happening. i may have missed some things going on there, but not for a lack of effort. and it absolutely doesn't mean i love my tigers any less than any person on this earth! btw, i pass the LSU billboard near downtown dallas every day and i love it!
It does take substantial trauma. Also if his neck was really broke, he wouldn't have been released from the hospital that night (at least any I have dealt w/). Also, the report of victim losing consiesnous (sp) seems fishy, normally if you got to the ER and tell them you were knocked out you are staying overnight for eval, they tend to not want you to go to sleep right away. But, thats just things I have dealt with as an EMT.