LSU Players Are College Kids, Not Professionals

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by OkieTigerTK, Oct 15, 2007.

  1. DownOnTheBayou

    DownOnTheBayou Say My Name!

    Oct 12, 2006
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    Totally agree.

    I too bleed Purple & Gold, probably to a fault, but will call it as I see it. I will not, however, personally attack ANY LSU athlete. They leave it all on the field each and every week. They're not getting paid, at least I hope not, to play their sport, they play for the love of the game. That's why college sports is BY FAR better than professional sports.

    Now im not gonna sit here with rose colored glasses and kiss LSU's @ss either. This week, as a whole, LSU played like crap. They gave UK that game. It wasn't just Flynn, it was everybody. The O-line didn't block well, WR didn't catch well, and the defense didn't play well at all. But I kind of expected that after a HUGE emotional win the week before. The big let-down game that EVERY college team has gone through. Just watch UK this week against UF, they'll get their turn.

    I think it was good that we lost, though. Cause if we would have won, I don't think we would beat AU this week. Like them dumb announcers were saying the other night, LSU has used a lot of gas in the tank the last two games. And I would rather lose an SECE game instead of a didvision game. Plus I HATE losing to AU.

    But we're still in the driver's seat. We win out, we will play in NO on Jan. 7. With parity the way it is now, It's hard to run the table these days, especially in the SEC.
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  2. DownOnTheBayou

    DownOnTheBayou Say My Name!

    Oct 12, 2006
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    couldn't have said it better myself.

    I ya'll want to call out people, look at them a-holes that play on Sunday. You know, the players that sit out a game when they break a nail. Heck, just watch a TO press conference, sorry clair, and you can get your "player attack" fix with that alone.
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  3. khounba

    khounba Founding Member

    Aug 25, 2006
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    He was taking about the Fins right?
  4. Ch0sn0ne

    Ch0sn0ne At the Track

    Oct 25, 2002
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    I have seen very few abusive posts. Very few.

    I have seen some really good arguments to both sides of several situations.

    I have seen some powerful criticism of some of the players performances.

    I realize this is a sports forum designed to discuss the goings on of a football team.

    I understand that the cash value of an athletic scholarship to LSU is around $125,000.

    I understand that these scholarships are funded by the fans.

    I approve of criticism, praise, discussion, ideas, debate, perceptions, and just plain BSing about all players and coaches.

    I think if the players want protection from criticism, they shouldn't play sports, and they shouldn't have signed their $125,000 LOI.

    I think that although they are amatuers, they have been well compensated, and their "job" is to please the fans by performing on the field.

    I do not approve of name calling and player bashing.

    I understand the difference between bitching, and discussing.

    I know not everyone will always agree, and I accept that as being normal.

    I am glad everyone does not always agree. If we did this would be the most boring forum on the internet, instead of one of the best.

    I still think we will win the NC, but I am going to enjoy the discussions along the way.

    I am Ch0sn0ne and I approved this message.
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  5. eL eS shU

    eL eS shU Founding Member

    Jul 25, 2007
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    Well what good is a forum if we can't discuss player's and team's performances after the game. dont bash, but anything a "kid" does on the field is fair game.

    If i decide that i think LSU would be better if Flynn would be on the bench, that is what i come here for, to say that and discuss. That is in no way bashing or bad talking him. I actually like him. i had a chance to hang out with him for a little while about a month ago. however, after his injury, he's just not performing as well. (on field play=fair game^^)

    Gundy was not ranting because of an article about his QB's play on the field. It was some off the field BS that shouldn't be written about anyone, much less a amature athlete.

    Perfect summery on this thread. this is a good board and there's really not much of personal attacks and what not. Just good discussion for the most part.

    :hihi: :hihi:
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  6. yi ni

    yi ni Founding Member

    Oct 14, 2007
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    I wonder if you could spell 'cat' even if I spotted you the 'c' and the 't'.
  7. LSUgirlinTx

    LSUgirlinTx Is it game time yet?

    Jan 5, 2007
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    Amen, sista!

    Psst...wagoneer, do me a favor and post a picture of people giving a standing ovation...but it's from me, not you okay? :grin:
  8. Lprimo

    Lprimo Pimpin Aint Easy

    Nov 19, 2006
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    Great response, its really simple here...Flynn had a bad game(most agree). Our WR had bad games(agreed). It's our Coaches responsibility to correct players, by adjusting play calls. Flynn was struggling to get the ball to WR's. WR's were struggling to catch 50% of there passes. But with a capable backup QB in RP, there was no reason to stop rotating him in.
    Now the plays that ended our winning streak...4 straight running plays are fine with me. It was just the lack of QB rotation that simplified it for Kentucky's Defense.
  9. Jean Lafitte

    Jean Lafitte The Old Guard

    Feb 2, 2002
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    What if we say something like "Player X's mission on that play was to catch the pass for the TD. The pass hit him in his hands, and, yet, he could not accomplish his mission by catching the TD pass. Player X needs to improve his catching skills before the Auburn game.

    I'm disappointed in Player Y, whose main football mission is to catch forward passes, and, yet, seems unable to do so with any reliability . . . Player Y needs to learn how to catch the football before Saturday."

    Is that kind of criticism in poor taste, in your opinion, Okie Tiger?

  10. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    Jan 3, 2005
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    once again, read the post. i have no problems with discussing the game or how people played.

    but name calling and taking cheap shots at kids in a nasty manner is what i find "in poor taste".

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