LSU Players Are College Kids, Not Professionals

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by OkieTigerTK, Oct 15, 2007.

  1. "Hurricane"

    "Hurricane" Founding Member

    Nov 26, 2006
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    No harm!:thumb:
  2. LSUguy31

    LSUguy31 Guest

    Since this thread is starting to become about who said what and what not... maybe it's time we put this bickering and fighting amongst each other to better use and spend our energy instead on preparing for and Cheering and Rooting for LSU on Saturday.
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  3. Nutriaitch

    Nutriaitch Fear the Buoy

    Nov 16, 2005
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    Nah, I've seen this movie before. It's not a happy ending for them either.:hihi:
  4. Faxis

    Faxis Freshman

    Oct 8, 2007
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    I come from more than a decade of adminning and posting on hard core troll boards so I've been just lurking here feeling the place out for a week or two and maybe I can provide some perspective. Maybe not. lol.

    This really isn't a place where it's appropriate to bash the people that are bringing us all together. It's only going to draw the ire of the regulars and rightly so. That said, it's still a message board on the internet where you have to have certain thickness of skin if you aren't going to end up ripping out your own jawbone to flog your genitalia to a pulp in righteous fury at the audacity anonymity tends to instill in people. Generally if you are "that guy" there are more trolls out there waiting to take a shot at you than you will ever be able to defend against and you will find your time on the internet less than satisfactory. It's best not to show where those chinks in the armor are.

    College football is already a high emotion game. We LSU fans are fanatical in the extreme so we're apt to feel pretty deeply we are right no matter what position we take on something. So while you might not like it if someone is raising hell with 'your guys' someone else is just as apt to be raising hell with theirs. It's the circle of tards. lol

    And even if they are all on the same side, people are still going to be different in how they approach things. Personally, if I felt like I needed to defend a player that was taking a beating on here, I'd do it directly and over the top to make the point. But that's just me. I post for my own entertainment and freaking out people that I'm diametrically opposed to gives me no end of pleasure. But I doubt I'd do that on this board because it's not really the place for it.

    As for the players in question... Tighten up. We're still with you. You get to have the final say to those that would put you down.


    They don't need our protection. They're tigers.

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  5. NoLimitMD

    NoLimitMD Founding Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    Perhaps I haven't read enough posts or something. I genuinely don't recall nasty things said about individual players (or the team, for that manner.) Criticism from fans is a fairly natural thing. After all, the players are big time and treated differently than most folks because they're under more scrutiny from fans (and others, of course.)

    Hell, how many times have the lynch mobs been out over something a CFB player does, when if it was any other student, nobody would care? To some extent, it goes with the territory.

    Saying things like, "Player X didn't have a good game" or "Player Y isn't a great player" is simply an assessment. That's mainly what I've seen here. Of course, if people are calling guys out as dummies or cowards or other personal attacks, they shouldn't be allowed to use this forum to voice their "ideas."

    Oh, in the larger scheme, I absolutely agree with you Okie. I just haven't seen much of that here.
  6. edyel

    edyel edyel

    Dec 25, 2003
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    Who was that masked man??!!!
  7. Lprimo

    Lprimo Pimpin Aint Easy

    Nov 19, 2006
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    The move in Question here, isn't that Flynn shouldn't start. It's the move to stop rotating RP in the game. We need Flynn's leadership to be successful, but we also need RP's athleticism to keep our offense rolling. We stopped rotating QB's, Flynn's ankle was obviously hurting from a tackle early in the game. It made our offense predictable. especially with dropped passes, they pretty much knew who was going to get thrown to. So Flynn is our leader, and RP is our future...right now we need them to be one on offense.
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  8. Nutriaitch

    Nutriaitch Fear the Buoy

    Nov 16, 2005
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    :eek: :eek: :eek:
    Can I use this in my sig sometime in the future?
  9. CajunPunk

    CajunPunk TF's Resident Realist

    Dec 3, 2005
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    Just curious... How is saying that Flynn overthrew, underthrew, and made bad decisions (especially that forced pass at the end that pretty much screwed LSU) abusive? He and I both are 22.

    How is saying that Tolliver should now play more than Lafell because Lafell has done absolutely nothing this season nasty?

    I love the Tigers, and I hope Flynn and Lafell and Crowton can get things together so we can win out and go to the NC game, but let's not get to the point where our purple and gold glasses are so thick, we get mad at people for voicing their concerns. I know people go overboard, but even most of the guys who seem to be on here just to make us mad, like that TC guy, bring up valid points - though VERY skewed.

    Why is it okay to call Miles and Hester heroes last week, but it's not okay to call Miles and Flynn and Lafell goats this week? They played bad. Bottom line. Hopefully they'll do better in the future.

    BUT the season is not over, and this fan will NEVER lose hope. I've been a fan from birth, bleed purple and gold, and nearly everything I own has an LSU logo on it. I will speak about the Tigers as I see fit, as anyone on here should, as long as they don't get inflammatory or slanderous.
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  10. edyel

    edyel edyel

    Dec 25, 2003
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    OK, let's guess who that post came from. My vote is R. Higgins. It has to be someone who writes for a paper and we all know DilDeaux isn't that smart. So WHO is it?

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