
Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by CD75, Dec 17, 2007.

  1. tapeloop

    tapeloop Freshman

    Dec 2, 2007
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    You can argue about the Carty's perspective on the LSU contract all you want, but that doesn't dismiss everything in the article.

    The facts are these:
    Les Miles's agent says that he left messages for Bill Martin during the week.

    Bill Martin says that he got at least one of those messages, but didn't return it until Sunday. Because he didn't have permission to talk to him until after the Saturday game. And also he was out sailing.

    These are directly quoted to the 2 of them.

    You could argue that BM didn't have permission to talk to Rodriguez, either. And you would be right.

    You could argue that the whole permission issue is to protect Les, but if his agent breaks it by calling on his own, then BM should've called the agent back in a more timely manner. You would be right there, too.

    You're happy with Les Miles. Why do you really care about Michigan at all? Why do you need to believe so badly that he turned Michigan down?
  2. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    Probably has something to do with trolls showing up and their only contribution is to stir a pot that has gone long cold in the media, where it started.

    Is this all you got? I mean, really?

    Thanks for coming out...
  3. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    What in the HAYELL are you talking about??? If I cared about UM...I would be on a UM board yakkin' it up, bro! The question is...why do YOU care about LSU at all?? Oh that's right...we've got the coach you wanted...your "Michigan man". :milesmic:
  4. NJtiger

    NJtiger Founding Member

    Oct 25, 2003
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    I think we should look on the Michigan fans as our brothers, sharing a sincere and deeply rooted desire to beat the cr*p out of the poison nuts. We've both got coaches we're proud of, and now all that's left is to take care of business.

    And by the way, if you want a good laugh, check out this satire on one of the Michigan websites--you'll have to look at the second article from the top (as of 12/17/07 at 6 PM CST) where there is supposed interview with their current QB about the hire of RR and the coming of a spread offense:

  5. BostonBengal

    BostonBengal Founding Member

    May 14, 2003
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    I realized that LSU and Michigan have NEVER met on the football field. Wonder if there will ever be an Miles-coached LSU team schedule a home-and-home with the Big Blue of Michigan???

    I doubt Miles will want to take on his alma mater, but it would make for GREAT TV!
  6. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    I have no problem whatsoever with Michigan, their fans, their team, or their coach. I have a problem with someone coming over here for the sole purpose of stirring a cold pot, and then asking ME why I care about Michigan so much!:huh: In my best caveman voice...<WHAT?>
  7. Chip82

    Chip82 Founding Member

    Sep 14, 2003
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    Satire ? :lol:

    I only have to wonder how many coaches they offered the position to before they got to RR.

    If I were a Michigan recruit, I would run as fast and as far away from that program as possible. It will take at least two years to assemble the personnel to make his system start to work.
  8. cristof11

    cristof11 Founding Member

    Nov 18, 2007
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    Just because I want LSU to beat OSU, I won't see them them as our brothers or anything like...I don't believe in that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" crap...To me they're all the same, they only matter when we we play them, before and after that, they're just irrelevant.
  9. Bayou Bengal11

    Bayou Bengal11 ~Orlando Tiger Coonass~

    Aug 5, 2005
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    Man....much undeserved beat down of UM fan. Gotta remember, this chit was all fueled by the media and UMs AD. Ive heard nothing but good things from Michigan fan all things considered.

    Hell, I remember not too long ago when Miles was being dismissed by a majority of LSU fans wanting to bring back one of the biggest jackarses in college football to coach this team. Now its down to defending the point of whether CLM turned down UM or if UM turned down CLM :huh:. Silly IMO...and who really cares with where we sit today?!?!

    btw...GEAUX BEARS!!!! :thumb:
  10. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    I'm quite certain you're addressing me with this, and maybe the Dude. I'll let him speak for himself, but I want you to go find ONE post of mine where I was dismissing Miles...or wanting Saban back. Go ahead and do a search of my previous posts, and let us all know what you come up with.

    That troll came on here to let us know that Miles really wanted UM, and that UM just botched it up. I countered with facts about Miles contract, after he claimed LSU "threw millions at him", then he asked ME why I care about Michigan so much. It isn't as if I'm the one on the UM board debating this!!!

    I'll be awaiting the results of your search...good luck with that.:thumb:

    By the way...I plainly stated that I have no problem with UM, its fans, its team, etc. I just have a problem with arseclowns that come to a gunfight with a knife.

    Oh, and Miles wasn't being dismissed by any majority...just a very vocal minority.

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