Well I think I found the website of the rescue group we're getting Mike VI from. They got some nice looking tigers. Check it out www.greatcatsofindiana.org/tigers.htm I don't know much about tigers, does anyone know if a 2 year old tiger is fully developed at that point?
If they could stake him down with a large chain and put a huge ribeye steak on the tiger's eye at center field and let him tear it up in front of everyone! Or better yet, put in on the visitor sideline. To watch him run and pounce the slab of meat would be awesome! I know it's stupid, but would be cool to watch! :thumb:
Actually, a two year old tiger is fairly large. Here's a picture I took with one that was about 6 months old back in 2001 at the Hammond Renfest (hence the monk costume).. Amazing animals, they are. I removed the background becuase the picture was in bad shape and it just kinda cluttered it up, but you get the idea. Before the picture was snapped I asked the guy "How you gonna get that thing in my lap?"... He just smiled, handed me the bottle of milk... The lil fella hopped right on up there like it was nothing.
Thanks for the link. I'll have to make a donation to the people who rescued Mike VI. Some of the cats there were abused and neglected before being taken in, and in Mike VI's case, talk about going from the outhouse to the penthouse! I hope he works out. I can't wait to see him.
thats a good idea ggh. i hope that lsu lets us know mike vi's background and where he came from. i think that generous lsu fans could make it a lot easier for them to rescue and care for abused tigers (and large cats if they rescue other species). it could also raise awareness for who is mistreating tigers and what we can do to help by not supporting those enterprises.
I hope they let us know his background too! I'm pretty sure they did with Mike V. I'd love for Tiger fans to help rescue other big cats. We'd gain some fans up in Indiana. Of course, my own donation would also be a bit of an "up yours" to PETA, too.
yes, and it would fit right in with the mission of education and awareness of big cats that is part of the mike the tiger program. i would love to see the lsu mike be a catalyst to helping other less fortunate big cats.