LSU Golfer

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by first down, Feb 12, 2006.


    LSUGOLFER Founding Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    He earned a scholarship in Jones first season, therefore walking on prior to Jones.
    I met Jones after I graduated in 2000 and his word for me were to bring him some scores of some round before the next season started. I brought him ALL my schores which averaged out to a little over 72.5 or something like that. He then looks at me and says for a walk-on you have to average in the 60's. I tell him no one does on your team now. Why would you not want a guy who can give you a 72 everytime. For 2 years I did this still getting turned down. So after that I became a Club Pro. Taking down his former players left and right.
  2. first down

    first down Founding Member

    Feb 12, 2006
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    Man tough break. Good thing Jones is out now. Which club do you work at? Perhaps, we need to play one day. You can find me at the UC
  3. Jeffinbama

    Jeffinbama Founding Member

    Nov 12, 2002
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    I am beginning to think you are not a golfer at all. The AJGA is the nationally recognized tour that ALL junior golfers aspire to play on. Alumni include Tiger Woods, Phil Michelson, Davis Love.. wait.. why am I explaining this. Louisiana does NOT have any junior golfers that can compete on this level. That is why we are at such a disadvantage to FLA and GA. The only thing that will change this is getting the Louisiana Golf Association off their asses and promote junior golf. The Tennessee PGA Section conducts over 140 junior tournaments for kids to play in. Louisiana has about 10 that they compete in. Anyone want to get an idea about how a state should run its junior golf program, go to this site:

    want to see a joke of an association go to this site:

    By the way, Tennessee is ranked #9 in the country in the lastest golfweek rankings. Their team make up is 4 from tennessee, 1 from Georgia and the rest from overseas.

    On our roster we have 2 players from Louisiana (only one can play), 4 from Fla and a few from other states.

    You now have 0 credibility saying that louisiana golfers could have gone to the AJGA to play and become an all american. Brian Bateman did it 14 years ago.. none since.. why.. Louisiana DOES NOT HAVE A JUNIOR GOLF PROGRAM TO PREPARE KIDS TO COMPETE AT THAT LEVEL. Because of that, it will be very difficult for LSU to become a powerhouse golf program until they begin to develop quality junior golfers. It makes it very difficult because you have to spend out of state tuition money to recruit kids and the good ones want full rides. Brian Harmon, the number one rated golfer in the country, got a full ride to GA but GA only had to pay books, room and board.

    LSUGOLFER Founding Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    So Patrick Reed is a joke...but he is on you AJGA All American team. He is from here. Not everyone has the money to play these events. It is anywhere from 75$-150$ per event plus hotel and food. Also there is another top junior from La...either Tim Byrd or Thomas Byrd..Once again you are out of your league, stop trying to read up on this, my comon knowledge this stuff.

    EDIT* Also we dont have anyone from La because it is Chuck's FIRST YEAR. Jones rarely recruited from instate. Wacth the roster next year
  5. Jeffinbama

    Jeffinbama Founding Member

    Nov 12, 2002
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    scores? what tournaments did you shoot these 72's in? Or was it just you playing by yourself. Did you ever record a score in a quality tournament in the 60's? Did you ever win anything? Or were you just a typical college golfer with no prior record or experience that blamed the coach because you just couldn't play. He already had a bunch of guys that couldn't play. What did you do to in tournament situations (which is how you compete in golf by POSTING a score) to show him that you could play?

    LSUGOLFER Founding Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    i actually won the regional Big I tourney by 4 shots with a 69 which is one of the top La tourneys. then missed out on Nationals by 3 shots posting 71-74 at U-Club. Averaged 35.7 as a senior in High School.

    LSUGOLFER Founding Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    With Jones golf was politics. My parents never donated to LSU they are not part of TAF. So i never got a chance.

    LSUGOLFER Founding Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    While your looking up stats...look up Brett Bergeron. Jones told him he was to small....LMAO...seriously.
  9. Jeffinbama

    Jeffinbama Founding Member

    Nov 12, 2002
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    Reading is something you need to do more of. I stated very clearly 1st, 2nd or 3rd team all american. The top 30 players in the country..

    You just dont get it... I am not against LSU or the LSU golf program.. I am a very strong supporter of both.... in fact a huge supporter of both. I am very upset at the status of junior golf in the state of Louisiana which puts us at a HUGE disadvantage to other schools such as Tenn., FLA and Georgia. We do not have the quality golfers in the state to let us compete with those teams pure and simple. So, we have to go out of state and spend out of state tuition and fees to get players to LSU which eats up our potential scholarships that we can give out. If you can't figure that out, you are as dumb as I think you are.
  10. Jeffinbama

    Jeffinbama Founding Member

    Nov 12, 2002
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    Might get you some playing time at ULL or a smaller school, but not at an SEC school... I feel your pain, but it wasnt the coach that kept you from playing. You should have gone some place that you could have shot those kind of scores and played a little bit.

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