I know I am not helping the situation by replying, but this thread has more replies than it should. All good ones though:thumb: .
If LSU is on MySpace, I can add them as my friend. Then I can be connected to other LSU fans, it will be great! Oh, wait, I guess I can do that here, too... right? Any LSU fans out there readin this now? If so, add me as your TigerForums friend. :hihi: :hihi:
If Fred is for it so am I Where is the link I am for it LOL GO FRED !! Ain't nothing better than LSU and Fred !! It gets so deep in here that all I have to do is read the last post and I know what goes on for 3 months so I will go to my space and find it LOL . There ain't a thing happening in TF today , you all need to shake it up a bit !! Tell everyone that the old man from Shady Ridge said Hello !!
I used to feel as though we didn't get enough respect but I do think lately we have. This past football season, I heard many sports announcers comment on the fact that LSU was the best 2 loss team, best SEC team even with 2 losses, etc. Our preseason hype almost worries me- even though it's fair and accurate- I worry about our players' not being mentally ready for everyone's best shot next year cause we'll get it. Every team will want to play the "Spoiler" role when they face us. In basketball (Men's) we actually got more than we ended up earning- not deserving, earning- cause we deserved the hype going into the season based on Big Baby and others- well I guess that's very debatable since it didn't pan out but I'm sure you know what I mean. Women's basketball didn't get much respect, as was admitted during the prelude to the final four game. Many said they didn't give them much chance after losing their coach- but I was very sceptical too, that's not an easy row to hoe. With our baseball team, we pretty much knew from watching the past few years it has come to the point where we'll have to recapture the respect our program is capable of. Softball is not a relatively popuar sport in the news but our girls hold their own. Minus a NC, we probably can't expect to hear much outside the circle of Softball dads and Louisiana High School circles. BTW, Softball dads have bigger balls.
I went and looked it is not a bad place , who ever he or she is they have tried to make it a Tiger retreat. There is nothing bad about the LSU Tigers in the MySpace page. I am not a my space member so I could not post or be a friend , but it surprised me by the way some of the replies I read in here went . I thought the person was crazy or a bit off you know , . It looks like he has got some videos from some other fans and put in there , put what the heck , it is LSU , but it is LSU sat Night in Baton Rouge , it is football , I liked it . I may get a my space profile just to be abkle to go back to it LOL. I don't have that much time . They even had where two girls were missing in that profile , not a amber alert just put it oput on the top with what police dept to call . I did not see anything wrong in there . He is a LSU fan I like that .Geaux Tigers !! I think I will go bacik tonight and see what he has done tonight ! May have a pretty girl in there I like to look at them LOL See you all . I am a girl watching LOL !!