LSU fans aren't the only ones anymore...

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Aubie16, Oct 16, 2005.

  1. Deceks7

    Deceks7 Founding Member

    Apparently I have more faith in the folk that reside in Baton Rouge than you do. There will be over 91000 people there to have a good time, and they won't have a bit of trouble. There is always a smattering of churls in every gathering. I am puzzled as to why you are so energized by the topic of seditious behavior.

    Alas, I will be in Austin watching TTU play the shorthorns with a Tiger from LSU. I will have my wife's Raider Red Truck on the street and fear not that it will be keyed, burned, or otherwise defaced. If I were in BR, my car would still have it's AU stickers, and I certainly wouldn't remove them for fear of hoodlums. You talk as if LSU and BR are evil incarnate. Get a grip.
  2. Cat Squirrel

    Cat Squirrel Founding Member

    I've been laughing at this all day..... :rofl:

    While I deplore what happened to the Tiger Tail van, the dude is just flat out asking for it.

    It's no different than if I were to leave my lawnmower sitting in the front yard unguarded and then bitcthing when it gets stolen. You just don't do certain things that common sense says not to do. Driving a gay azz van like the TigerTail van around an opponent's campus is something you shouldn't do because it's not good sense. In this case you have a dumbazz driving around in something that is basically designed to antagonize and piss off opponents.

    The man has the right to drive whatever and wherever he wants and I agree that the people who burned it are criminals, but c'mon....

    If you're asking for trouble, don't cry when it finds you.
  3. Deceks7

    Deceks7 Founding Member

    I can and do leave my lawnmwer in my front yard (pisses off my wife), fishing gear in my boat, and my cars unlocked. I lost 1 stereo in the last 23 years. Damn crime-ridden Lubbock.
  4. Thorny

    Thorny Founding Member

    With tongue planted firmly in cheek, I offer this comment: "Dang those Hog fans--COPYCATS!"

    More seriously, the van shouldn't have gotten torched, either at LSU or at Ark. Unfortunately, human nature doesn't work that way. Some people are looking to make trouble and they will find someone who will provide an opportunity. Visiting team buses, AUBnoxous team vans, face painted fans, it doesn't matter. LSU may have a bigger number of these trouble makers, but as Pat Dye said, "Everybody's got rednecks for fans."

    Heck, I've been on a school trip where one of the chaparones got their car torched in the school parking lot--It Happens.

    Deceks7's post advocates escallation of the confrontation--bad idea. We shouldn't have irresponsible folks carrying firearms in a crowd of 92000.

    Camoflage is a much better option. I try not to be the "Ugly American" when I travel abroad and I try not to be the "Ugly LSU fan" when I drive around Montgomery.


  5. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Hmmmmm... There is an old saying. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Asmuch as the dolt who owns that abomination has the right to drive it anywhere he wants doesn't mean he should. There are two man jerks in this world. At the UGA i left my car flags on my car last year. They were ripped off, and my wiper arms were broken off. At the Florida game a few weeks later I took my flags down before I left my car. Should I have had to hell no, but common sense should dictate your actions not ideals.

    Also, is it possible that this guy does more to provoke these fires than parking his van. For all we know he starts trouble with the home crowd. I don't mean to put the blame on him, but two arsons.... come on, maybe the owner isn't completely innocent.
  6. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    That's funny coming from a fan of a school where thier Greeks live in dorms...and the majority of their students live in trailor parks.

    Facts are facts Auburnite.
  7. TigrinumMajor

    TigrinumMajor Founding Member

    In all fairness, the current administration at Alabama is doing a good job improving the campus.

    As far as your comments, the soririties live in dorms, the frats have houses.

    The trailer situation stems from the growth explosion of the university after World War II and the lack of housing. Trailer parks were set up and have thrived ever since. They are waning now as more students choose to live in condos. It is probably more like about 25%, which, if you can grasp the concept, is not a majority. Another thing, learn to spell.

    Those are the facts. We now return to good natured ribbing that has a basis in truth:

    At least our fanbase doesn't predominantly live in trailer parks.
  8. MarineTiger

    MarineTiger Founding Member

    Says who?
  9. TigrinumMajor

    TigrinumMajor Founding Member

    Someone who is familiar with the demographics of the state of Alabama housing.

    You going to be at the game, Marine? I need to know what areas of Baton Rouge to avoid.
  10. Proud Tiger

    Proud Tiger Founding Member

    FWIW, Arkansas police have two suspects in the van burning incident. Kudos to them for pursuing it.

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